
Cinnamon Applet to give quick access to comon filesystem locations.


Places Center

Places Center is a feature-rich, cross-platform Cinnamon applet that provides easy aceess to all of your most-used places. Feel free to contribute by submitting pull requests, bug reports and feature requests.

To use this applet run (must have git installed):

cd ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/
git clone placesCenter@scollins

or download and extract contents to ~/.local/share/cinnamon/applets/placesCenter@scollins/

To do before next release

Completed since last release

Fixed x-session error
Make applet work in scale mode
Add middle click to open

Wishlist and planned development

make 'tile' option?
symbolic icons in menu (must be changed in Cinnamon API)
option: limit menu size