
Bundle CommonJS source files into a single UMD file

OTHER License



IMPORTANT: Exporting with UMD is now included in pure-cjs. This repository is deprecated.

Bundle CommonJS source files into a single UMD file with the option to define external dependencies that will not be included.


Write your library source files with the very convenient var foo = require('./foo') and module.exports = {bar: 'bar'} syntax.

Combine these source files into a single bundle, that can be used in Node, Browserify, RequireJS, or simply via the window object.

You can have dependencies like Lo-Dash and Moment.js, but not want to bundle them. Declare them via the dependencies option, and they will not be included but fetched via require, define, or from the window object, depending on which environment the bundle is used in.


Install globally (and use command-line tool directly with $ cjs-umd):

$ npm install -g git://github.com/nicolashery/cjs-umd.git

Or locally (command-line tool then available at $ ./node_modules/.bin/cjs-umd):

$ npm install git://github.com/nicolashery/cjs-umd.git



$ cjs-umd \
  --input src/index.js \
  --output dist/robot.js \
  --exports robot \
  --dependencies lodash:_,moment


var bundle = require('cjs-umd');

var options = {
  input: 'src/index.js',
  output: 'dist/robot.js',
  exports: 'robot',
  dependencies: [
    {name: 'lodash', exports: '_'},
    {name: 'moment'}

bundle(options, function(err) {
  if (err) {


  input: 'src/index.js',
  output: 'dist/robot.js',

  exports: 'robot',
  // Name to expose on the `window` object

  dependencies: [
    {name: 'lodash', exports: '_'},
    {name: 'moment'}
  // Optional list of external dependencies you don't want to include in bundle
  // If one exposes a different name on the `window` object, use `exports`

  transform: [],
  // Optional list of transform streams to pass source files through
  // (Not available from command-line tool)

  quoteChar: '\'',
  // Quote character used in your `require()` statements
  // Default: ('),

  requireDepFunctionName: '_requireDep',
  // Name of function used to require external dependencies by `umd-wrap`

  pureCjsTailLengthToReplace: 19
  // Used to tweak the pure-cjs bundle
  // No reason to touch this, but could be usefull if `pure-cjs` changes

Any other options will be passed to umd-wrap.

How does it work?

  1. Source files are searched for require('lodash') statements (for each dependency defined in dependencies option), and replaced with a custom function _requireDep('lodash').

  2. Everything is compiled into a single bundle thanks to the pure-cjs builder.

  3. The pure-cjs bundle is wrapped in a UMD statement using umd-wrap.


To run the examples you will need to clone this repo and install dependencies:

$ git clone https://github.com/nicolashery/cjs-umd.git
$ cd cjs-umd/
$ npm install


$ cd examples/
# Using the command-line tool
$ . make-bundle.sh
# Using the Node API
$ node make-bundle.js


$ cd examples/node/
$ node run

Global (window)

Open the examples/global/index.html in a browser and look at the console output.


You need to have Browserify installed:

$ npm install -g browserify

Create the Browserify bundle:

$ cd examples/browserify/
$ . make-bundle.sh

Open the examples/browserify/index.html in a browser and look at the console output.


You need to have RequireJS installed:

$ npm install -g requirejs

Create the RequireJS bundle:

$ cd examples/requirejs/
$ . make-bundle.sh

Open the examples/requirejs/index.html in a browser and look at the console output.
