
California Kids Cancer Comparison - Demo


California Kids Cancer Comparison (CKCC) Demo

Rewrite of the CRFs and Clinical-Trials apps, with a modularized package-based component/microservice architecture.

Travis Status Branch History



Copy the application to your computer and run it locally:

  git clone
  cd ckcc



This app uses the starrynight utility for fetching packages and running QA scripts, so you'll need to install that.

  # or be adventures, and use the starrynight fetch command, which uses the .meteor/repo file
  npm install -g starrynight

Next, you'll want to fetch all of the packages in .meteor/packages directory into /packages so you can develop on them locally.

  cd ckcc

  # fetch the latest version of the packages, by parsing the contents of the .meteor/repo file
  starrynight fetch

  # if there are any problems, make sure the submodules are linked correctly
  git submodule foreach git pull origin master

When you first run the application, you can initialize the database like so:

INITIALIZE=true meteor

If you're running a local installation of Mongo, and working on inter-app functionality, you may want to specify the MONGO_URL, like so:

MONGO_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017/MyAppDatabase" meteor



Copy the application to your computer and run it locally:

  # run all the acceptance tests with the following
  starrynight run-tests --type validation

  # if you're working with packages, and can't a test command isn't found
  # you may want to to try regenerating the .meteor/nightwatch.json config file
  starrynight generate --autoconfig



Be sure to set the ROOT_URL with the appropriate prefix when deploying behind a proxy server. The tests probably wont run successfully if you specify a ROOT_URL override.

ROOT_URL="http://localhost:3000/forms" meteor



Code is MIT. Use as you will. Corning Day Made of Glass video is copyright Corning; all rights reserved.