

Cloning Webpack exercises

Test your implementation

Test cases are written in exercises/{exerciseNumber}/fixtures.

To test out the test cases, import your implementation and fill up the exercises/{exerciseNumber}/test.js:

// exercises/01/test.js

// NOTE: import your implementation
const myModuleBundler = require('path/to/my-module-bundler');

module.exports = function test({ entryFile }) {
  // returns the module graph
  // NOTE: use your implementation
  const moduleGraph = myModuleBundler(entryFile);
  return moduleGraph;

To run only 1 test, rename the fixture to end with .solo, for example, renaming exercises/01/fixtures/01 to exercises/01/fixtures/01.solo will only run the fixture 01 alone.


Exercise 01

Implement module resolver + build a dependency graph.

In this exercise, you are expected to return a Module object, where the Module is defined as following:

interface Module {
  filepath: string; // absolute path of the module file location
  isEntryFile: boolean; // true if it's the entry file, false otherwise
  dependencies: Array<Dependency>;

interface Dependency {
  module: Module;
  exports: Array<string>; // list of imported exports from the dependency

exports is the list of imported exports from the dependency. For example, in the following snippet:

import a from 'a';
import { b, c } from 'b';
import * as d from 'd';


  • for the dependency a, the exports is ['default'], because it is importing the default export.
  • for the dependency b, the exports is ['b', 'c']
  • for the dependency d, the exports is ['*']

Exercise 02

Implement a module bundler

In this exercise, you are expected to return the absolute path to the output file.

The test runner will run the output file using Node and verify its console output.

Exercise 03

Implement dynamic import

In this exercise, you are expected to return an object that contains the absolute path to the output folder, and the path to the main entry file.

  folder: string; // output folder path
  main: string;  // main entry path

The test runner will start Puppeteer, a headless Chrome browser, and serve the output folder. Make sure all your asset files are in the output folder.

The test runner will also generates an index.html file, which looks like the following:

    <script type="module" src="relative path to `result.main`"></script>

Exercise 04

Implement loaders

In this exercise, you are expected to return an object that contains the absolute path to the output folder, and the path to the main entry file.

  folder: string; // output folder path
  main: string;  // main entry path

The test runner will start Puppeteer, a headless Chrome browser, and serve the output folder. Make sure all your asset files are in the output folder.

The test runner will also generates an index.html file, which looks like the following:

    <script type="module" src="relative path to `result.main`"></script>

For the CSS loader, the test runner will verify that the style is applied correctly.

For the PNG loader, the test runner will verify the image is loaded correctly.