
A command line tool for viewing, creating and updating stories

MIT License




A valid branch name for this Story:

feature/github-clubhouse/ch515 Create & checkout a new branch for this Story:

git checkout -b feature/github-clubhouse/ch515

A valid commit message for this Story:

GitHub Clubhouse [ch515] Link a single commit to this Story:

git commit -m 'GitHub Clubhouse [ch515]'


This is a command line interface for Clubhouse, focused on the display and manipulation of stories. With this, you can run custom searches, save them as local workspaces, and recall those workspaces. You can also view full stories, update most attributes on a story, and create brand new stories quickly.

Table of Contents


  Usage: club [options] [command]

  A command line tool for searching, viewing, and updating stories


    -V, --version  output the version number
    -h, --help     output usage information


    install         install and configure API access
    search          search stories with optional query
    members         list members
    story           view or manipulate a story or stories
    create          create a story
    workflows       list workflows and their states
    epics           list epics and their states
    projects        list or search projects
    workspace       list stories matching saved workspace query
    help [cmd]      display help for [cmd]


  Usage: club-find [options] [SEARCH OPERATORS]

  Search through clubhouse stories. Arguments (non-flag/options) will
  be passed to Clubhouse story search API as search operators. Passing '%self%' as
  a search operator argument will be replaced by your mention name. Note that passing search
  operators and options (e.g. --owner foobar) will use the options as extra filtering
  in the client.

  Refer to
  for more details about search operators.


    -a, --archived                  Include archived Stories
    -c, --created [operator][date]  Stories created within criteria (operator is one of <|>|=)
    -q, --quiet                     Print only story output, no loading dialog
    -l, --label [id|name]           Stories with label id/name, by regex
    -o, --owner [name]              Stories with owner, by regex
    -p, --project [id]              Stories in project
    -s, --state [id|name]           Stories in workflow state id/name, by regex
    --epic [id|name]                Stories in epic id/name, by regex
    -i, --iteration [id|name]       Stories in iteration id/name, by regex
    -S, --save [name]               Save search configuration as workspace
    -t, --text [name]               Stories with text in name, by regex
    -u, --updated [operator][date]  Stories updated within criteria (operator is one of <|>|=)
    -y, --type [name]               Stories of type, by regex
    -r, --sort [field]              Sort stories by field (accessor[:asc|desc][,next])
    -f, --format [template]         Format each story output by template
    -h, --help                      output usage information

Example output

$ club search -o 'josh' -s 'Review'
#1480 Create Thinga-ma-bob
  Type:      feature/3
  Label:     #512 client_web
  Epic:      #5 Things to do
  Iteration: #52 Spaghetti
  Project:   #14 Customers
  Owners:    Josh (josh)
  State:     #500000020 Code Review

# Custom formatting is an option
$ club search -o 'josh' -s 'Review' -f $'%i\t%s\t%t\n\t%o'
1480    Code Review (#500000020)  Create Thinga-ma-bob
    Josh (josh)

Story Output Formatting

Templating variables:

%id      Print ID of story
%t       Print title/name of story
%a       Print archived status of story
%o       Print owners of story
%l       Print labels on story
%u       Print URL of story
%epic    Print epic of story
%i       Print iteration of story
%p       Print project of story
%y       Print story type
%e       Print story estimate
%s       Print story state
%c       Print story creation timestamp
%updated Print story updated timestamp (if different from created)
%j       Print full story as formatted JSON
%gb      Print Git integration branch name
%gbs     Pring Git integration branch short name

Note that the $ string operator in bash is helpful in allowing \t (tab) and \n (newline) literals in the formatting string. Otherwise, you can actually just type a newline character.

Story Output Sorting

The default sorting for stories found is state.position:asc,position:asc, which translates to "sort by associated state position ascending, then by story position ascending within the same state."


  Usage: club story [options] <id>

  Update and/or display story details


    -I, --idonly              Print only ID of story results
    -s, --state [id|name]     Update workflow state of story
    -e, --estimate [number]   Update estimate of story
    -d, --description [text]  Update description of story
    -D, --download            Download all attached files
    --download-dir [path]     Directory to download files to
    --epic [id|name]          Update epic of story
    -i, --iteration [id|name] Update iteration of story
    -f, --format [template]   Format story output by template
    --from-git                Fetch story parsed by ID in current git branch
    --git-branch              Checkout git branch from story slug <mention-name>/ch<id>/<type>-<title>
                                as required by the Git integration:
    --git-branch-short        Checkout git branch from story slug <mention-name>/ch<id>/<title>
    -l, --label [id|name]     Update story with labels, comma-separated
    --move-after [id]         Move story to position below story ID
    --move-before [id]        Move story to position above story ID
    --move-down [n]           Move story position downward by n stories
    --move-up [n]             Move story position upward by n stories
    -c, --comment [text]      Add comment to story
    -o, --owners [id|name]    Update owners of story, comma-separated
    -O, --open                Open story in browser
    --oe, --open-epic         Open story's epic in browser
    --oi, --open-iteration    Open story's iteration in browser
    --op, --open-project      Open story's project in browser
    -q, --quiet               Print only story output, no loading dialog
    -t, --title [text]        Update title of story
    --task [text]             Create new task on story
    --task-complete [text]    Toggle completion of story task matching text
    -y, --type [name]         Set type of story
    -h, --help                output usage information

Example output:

$ club story 1480 -c 'This is a commend' -o josh
#1480 Create Thinga-ma-bob
Desc:    Create a thing to display:
Owners:  Josh (josh)
Type:    feature/3
Label:   #512 client_web
Project: #14 Customer
State:   #500000020 Code Review
Comment: This is a commend
         Josh at: 2017-10-25T16:17:04Z

Story Creation

  Usage: club create [options]

  create a story with provided details


    -d, --description [text]  Set description of story
    -e, --estimate [number]   Set estimate of story
    --epic [id|name]          Set epic of story
    -i, --iteration [id|name] Set iteration of story
    -I, --idonly              Print only ID of story result
    -l, --label [id|name]     Stories with label id/name, by regex
    -o, --owners [id|name]    Set owners of story, comma-separated
    -O, --open                Open story in browser
    -p, --project [id|name]   Set project of story, required
    -t, --title [text]        Set title of story, required
    -s, --state [id|name]     Set workflow state of story
    -y, --type [name]         Set type of story, default: feature
    -h, --help                output usage information
    --git-branch              Checkout git branch from story slug <mention-name>/ch<id>/<type>-<title>
                              as required by the Git integration:
    --git-branch-short        Checkout git branch from story slug <mention-name>/ch<id>/<title>


  Usage: club workspace [NAME] [options]

  List stories matching saved workspace query


    -l, --list          List saved workspaces
    -n, --name [name]   Load named workspace
    -u, --unset [name]  Force unset saved workspace
    -q, --quiet         Print only resulting story output, no loading dialog
    -h, --help          output usage information


  Usage: club members [options]

  Display members available for stories


    -s, --search [query]  List members with name containing query
    -d, --disabled        List members including disabled
    -h, --help            output usage information


  Usage: club epics [options]

  Display epics available for stories


    -a, --archived            List only epics including archived
    -c, --completed           List only epics that have been completed
    -d, --detailed            List more details for each epic
    -f, --format [template]   Format epic output by template
    -M, --milestone [ID]      List only epics with the given milestone ID
    -t, --title [query]       List epics with name/title containing query
    -s, --started             List epics that have been started
    -h, --help                output usage information

Epic Output Formatting

Templating variables:

%id      Print ID of epic
%t       Print title/name of epic
%m       Print milestone of epic
%s       Print epic state
%dl      Print epic deadline
%d       Print epic description
%p       Print epic total points
%ps      Print epic total points started
%pd      Print epic total points done
%c       Print epic total completion percentage
%a       Print archived status of epic
%st      Print started status of epic
%co      Print completed status of epic


  Usage: club workflows [options]

  Display workflows/states available for stories


    -s, --search [query]  List states containing query
    -h, --help            output usage information


  Usage: club projects [options]

  Display projects available for stories


    -a, --archived       List only projects including archived
    -d, --detailed       List more details for each project
    -t, --title [query]  List projects with name/title containing query
    -h, --help           output usage information


Install via npm:

$ npm install clubhouse-cli -g
$ club install
  Usage: club install [options]

  Install access token for clubhouse API


    -V, --version  output the version number
    -f, --force    Force install/reinstall
    -h, --help     output usage information

You may also provide a clubhouse API token via environment variable CLUBHOUSE_API_TOKEN.

$ CLUBHOUSE_API_TOKEN=foobar club story 3300


You can use typescript watcher which will recompile your code automatically:

$ npm run build:watch

You can run clubhouse-cli with typescript map enabled:

$ npm start -- story 1234
