
A WordPress plugin for managing and displaying code snippets


Code Snippets CPT - 2.1.0

A WordPress plugin for elegantly hosting, managing, and displaying code snippets. Own your own data!

Adds a custom post type for managing your code snippets with taxonomies for classifying the snippets. Embed snippets with syntax highlighting to posts or pages via a handy shortcode insert button that allows you to pick from the most recent snippets. Syntax highlighting provided by the Prettify javascript library and the Ace Editor.


  • Host your own snippet library.
  • Button for easy-copying of snippet (disable with: add_filter( 'dsgnwrks_snippet_do_click_to_copy', '__return_false' )).
  • Button to enable full-screen snippet view (disable with: add_filter( 'dsgnwrks_snippet_enable_full_screen_view', '__return_false' )).
  • Two frontend render engines, prettify (with 2 themes) or Ace (with 32 themes).
  • WordPress editor shortcode button for embedding snippets in your content, and creating/editing those snippets on the fly.
  • Live (tinymce) previews of the snippets in your content editor.
  • Programming language picker (for syntax).
  • Snippet tags and categories.

Available on

Change Log


  • Fix issue with double trailing slashes on DWSNIPPET_URL causing resources to no load under some circumstances.


  • Fix issue with calling wp.mce when it doesn't exist (in instances where only quicktags are enqueued).


  • Fix ACE frontend to honor the 'Display Line Numbers' setting. Fixes #29.


  • Fix "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function post_categories_meta_box()" occurring when not on post-pages. Fixes #28.


  • Update snippet-copy URL so that it doesn't 404 when nonce is expired, and also noindex,nofollow the snippet-copy pages when the nonce has expired.


  • Enable native copy functionality available in newer browsers. Props ramiabraham, #27.
  • Clean up styles a bit for full-screen view.
  • Clean up Ace front-end view.


  • Fix bug causing the shortcode button not to insert the snippet when in visual mode.


  • The front-end script needs to load in the footer so that wp_localize_script() works as expected.
  • Better styling for the full-width view and the buttons in the full-width view


  • Better Ace editor support for inline php snippets (i.e. no opening <?php tag).
  • Minify css files.


  • Use Ace editor for the snippet add/edit shortcode modal.


  • Button for opening modal for easy-copying of snippet.
  • Button to enable full-screen snippet view.
  • (When using Ace frontend) Button to toggle line-numbers.
  • (When using Ace frontend) Button to collapse/minify the snippet.
  • (When logged-in) Button to edit Snippet.
  • View individual snippet pages, and link to full-screen snippets.
  • Live (tinymce) previews of the snippets in your content editor, and edit them in place.
  • Option to choose the front-end display theme and render engine (prettify or Ace).
  • Ace editor on the snippet-edit page, and option to use the Ace render engine on the front-end. Props JayWood (#22).
  • Add new snippets on the fly via the shortcode button (vs having to leave your post and to create them). Props JayWood (#22).


  • Add C# as available language.


  • BUG FIX: Remove 'html_entity_decode' around snippet output, as it will cause the page display to break under certain circumstances.


  • Replace shortcode button's usage of ids with slugs because ids can change during a migration.
  • Added filter, 'dsgnwrks_snippet_display'.
  • Better handling of WordPress-converted html entities.
  • By default, convert tabs to spaces for better readability. Can be disabled with: remove_filter( 'dsgnwrks_snippet_content', 'dsgnwrks_snippet_content_replace_tabs' );
  • Added title attribute to pre element to display title of snippet on hover.


  • Add more languages
  • Add lang parameter to shortcode attributes.
  • Use selected snippet language to set the shortcode lang parameter.
  • Allow shortcode to specify line number to start with


  • WP editor buttons for inserting snippet shortcodes


  • First Release