
An example repository for showing how to generate the codecov reports with Karma testing framework


codecov-karma example

An example repository for showing how to generate the codecov reports with Karma testing framework.

How to make codecov report with karma (with circle-ci)

First, git init and npm init and then,

npm install --save-dev karma karma-coverage codecov
karma init

And then edit karma.conf.js and modify preprocessor, reporters and coverageReporter properties.

  preprocessor: {
    'src/**/*.js': ['coverage']

  reporters: ['progress', 'coverage'],

  coverageReporter: {
    reporters: [{type: 'lcov'}]

Note If you prefer to use browserify in testing, you should check karma-browserify and browserify-istanbul and don't use coverage preprocessor directly which doesn't work with karma-browserify.

And then add scripts to package.json

  "scripts": {
    "test": "karma start karma.conf.js",
    "codecov": "codecov"

And then edit circle.yml (for example).

    - npm run codecov

And then turn on the repository setting on circle-ci UI and push the change to github and you'll see the coverage report on website.