
CLI to collect stats about React usage on a website

MIT License



CLI to collect stats about React usage on a website


$ npx collect-react-stats


$ npx collect-react-stats --help

    Collect stats about React usage on a website

    $ collect-react-stats [file] [options]

    -o, --output     File to output results to  (default collect-react-stats.json)
    -g, --graphs     Display graphs related to stats  (default false)
    -d, --debug      Enable extra logging and debugging  (default false)
    -v, --version    Displays current version
    -h, --help       Displays this message

    $ collect-react-stats


  • Get stats on:
    • The type of VNodes rendered and how many children they were rendered with
    • When a VNode only has one child, what type it is
    • Estimate of how quickly VNodes are created when a render is started
  • Allows user to browser whatever websites they want to and it tries to collect
    stats on any website that uses React.

If puppeteer is installed, this project will try to use that to run the collection. If not, it will then try to use the local version of Chrome installed along with puppeteer-core to drive the browser.

Sample output

$ npx collect-react-stats

Close the browser when you are finished collecting your sample to see your results.

Results for

Render Frequency:
(Columns are number of children. Data is number of times that type rendered with that number of children)
│ Type                      │ Total │ 0   │ 1    │ 2   │ 3  │ 4  │ 5 │ 8 │ 9 │ 12 │ 22 │
│ class                     │ 212   │ 33  │ 60   │ 113 │ 3  │    │   │   │ 3 │    │    │
│ dom                       │ 845   │ 217 │ 223  │ 344 │ 37 │ 15 │ 3 │ 2 │ 2 │ 1  │ 1  │
│ function                  │ 557   │ 94  │ 426  │ 26  │ 7  │ 3  │   │   │ 1 │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.context)     │ 446   │     │ 446  │     │    │    │   │   │   │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.forward_ref) │ 292   │     │ 80   │ 206 │ 6  │    │   │   │   │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.fragment)    │ 2     │     │      │ 2   │    │    │   │   │   │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.provider)    │ 14    │     │ 14   │     │    │    │   │   │   │    │    │
│ Totals                    │ 2368  │ 344 │ 1249 │ 691 │ 53 │ 18 │ 3 │ 2 │ 6 │ 1  │ 1  │

Single child type:
│ Type                      │ Total │
│ class                     │ 11    │
│ dom                       │ 93    │
│ function                  │ 818   │
│ null                      │ 6     │
│ Symbol(react.forward_ref) │ 1     │
│ Symbol(react.provider)    │ 4     │
│ text                      │ 316   │
│ Total                     │ 1249  │

VNode creation rate:
Min: 0.2 Average: 1.6731789167606441 Max: 5.914414414414415
> npx collect-react-stats --graphs
npx: installed 94 in 19.679s
Close the browser when you are finished collecting your sample to see your results.
Puppeteer not found. Trying local Chrome installation.
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...
Skipping non http(s) URL: data:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8;base64,aWYgKHNlbGYuQ2F2YWxyeUxvZ2dlcikgeyBDYXZhbHJ5TG9n...

Results for

Render Frequency:
(Columns are number of children. Data is number of times that type rendered with that number of children)
│ Type                        │ Total │ 0     │ 1     │ 2    │ 3   │ 4   │ 5   │ 6  │ 7  │ 8  │ 9  │ 10 │ 12 │ 13 │ 14 │ 15 │ 20 │ 21 │ 29 │ 57 │ 59 │
│ class                       │ 1714  │ 891   │ 821   │ 2    │     │     │     │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │
│ dom                         │ 10944 │ 1483  │ 6280  │ 2215 │ 541 │ 111 │ 213 │ 33 │ 11 │ 1  │ 21 │    │ 14 │ 20 │    │    │ 1  │    │    │    │    │
│ function                    │ 16934 │ 9185  │ 6978  │ 613  │ 69  │ 19  │ 18  │ 2  │    │ 8  │ 2  │ 4  │    │ 14 │    │    │    │ 4  │ 2  │ 9  │ 7  │
│ Symbol(react.context)       │ 23    │       │ 23    │      │     │     │     │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.forward_ref)   │ 6505  │ 1614  │ 4532  │ 185  │ 155 │ 13  │ 2   │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │ 4  │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.fragment)      │ 2417  │ 1     │ 194   │ 1546 │ 61  │ 597 │ 8   │    │    │    │ 3  │    │    │    │    │ 7  │    │    │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.legacy_hidden) │ 553   │       │ 469   │ 49   │ 35  │     │     │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.memo)          │ 485   │ 435   │ 50    │      │     │     │     │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.provider)      │ 4129  │ 1     │ 3847  │ 181  │ 63  │ 31  │     │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │ 6  │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.scope)         │ 636   │       │ 600   │ 18   │ 18  │     │     │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.suspense)      │ 687   │       │ 97    │ 590  │     │     │     │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │    │
│ Symbol(react.suspense_list) │ 32    │       │       │ 6    │ 6   │ 2   │ 2   │    │    │ 2  │ 4  │ 2  │    │ 5  │ 3  │    │    │    │    │    │    │
│ Totals                      │ 45059 │ 13610 │ 23891 │ 5405 │ 948 │ 773 │ 243 │ 35 │ 11 │ 11 │ 30 │ 6  │ 14 │ 39 │ 3  │ 7  │ 1  │ 14 │ 2  │ 9  │ 7  │

Single child type:
│ Type                        │ Total │
│ class                       │ 139   │
│ dom                         │ 3331  │
│ function                    │ 9666  │
│ null                        │ 1102  │
│ Symbol(react.forward_ref)   │ 3566  │
│ Symbol(react.fragment)      │ 1804  │
│ Symbol(react.legacy_hidden) │ 553   │
│ Symbol(react.memo)          │ 797   │
│ Symbol(react.provider)      │ 2008  │
│ Symbol(react.scope)         │ 55    │
│ Symbol(react.suspense)      │ 1     │
│ text                        │ 869   │
│ Total                       │ 23891 │

VNode creation rate:
Min: 0 Average: 7.860486063947004 Max: 60

      60.00 ┼                             ╭╮
      58.80 ┤                             ││
      57.60 ┤                             ││
      56.40 ┤                             ││
      55.20 ┤                             ││
      54.00 ┤                   ╭╮        ││
      52.80 ┤                   ││        ││
      51.60 ┤                   ││        ││
      50.40 ┤                   ││        ││
      49.20 ┤                   ││        ││
      48.00 ┤                   ││        ││
      46.80 ┤                   ││        ││
      45.60 ┤                   ││        ││
      44.40 ┤                   ││        ││
      43.20 ┤                   ││        ││
      42.00 ┤                   ││        ││
      40.80 ┤                   ││        ││
      39.60 ┤                   ││        ││
      38.40 ┤                   ││        ││
      37.20 ┤                   ││        ││
      36.00 ┤                   ││        ││
      34.80 ┤                   ││        ││
      33.60 ┤                   ││        ││
      32.40 ┤                   ││        ││              ╭╮
      31.20 ┤                   ││        ││              ││
      30.00 ┤                ╭╮ ││        ││              ││
      28.80 ┤                ││ ││        ││              ││
      27.60 ┤                ││ ││        ││              ││
      26.40 ┤                ││ ││        ││              ││
      25.20 ┤                ││ ││        ││              ││
      24.00 ┤                ││ ││        ││              ││
      22.80 ┤                ││ ││        ││              ││
      21.60 ┤                ││ ││        ││              ││
      20.40 ┤              ╭╮││ ││        ││   ╭╮      ╭╮ ││
      19.20 ┤              ││││ ││        ││   ││      ││ ││
      18.00 ┤              ││││ ││        ││   ││      ││ ││
      16.80 ┤              ││││ ││        ││   ││      ││ ││
      15.60 ┤              ││││ ││        ││   ││      ││ ││
      14.40 ┤              ││││ ││        ││╭╮ ││      ││ ││
      13.20 ┤              ││││ ││        ││││ ││      ││ ││
      12.00 ┤              ││││ ││        ││││ ││      ││ ││    ╭
      10.80 ┤              ││││ │╰╮   ╭╮  ││││ ││      ││ ││    │
       9.60 ┤              ││││ │ │   ││  ││││╭╯│      ││ ││  ╭╮│
       8.40 ┤              ││││ │ │   ││  │││││ │╭─╮   ││ ││  │││
       7.20 ┤              ││││ │ │   ││╭╮│││││ ││ ╰╮  ││╭╯│  │││
       6.00 ┤        ╭╮    ││││ │ │  ╭╯││││╰╯││ ││  │  │││ │  │││
       4.80 ┤╭╮      ││    ││││ │ │╭╮│ ││││  ││ ││  │  │││ ╰╮╭╯││
       3.60 ┤││     ╭╯│ ╭╮ ││││╭╯ ││╰╯ ╰╯││  ││ ││  │  │││  ││ ╰╯
       2.40 ┤│╰─╮   │ │╭╯│╭╯││││  ││     ││  ││ ││  │  │││  ││
       1.20 ┤│  │╭─╮│ ││ ╰╯ ││││  ╰╯     ││  ││ ││  ╰╮ │││  ││
       0.00 ┼╯  ╰╯ ╰╯ ╰╯    ╰╯╰╯         ╰╯  ╰╯ ╰╯   ╰─╯╰╯  ╰╯

VNode count:

   45059.00 ┼                                                  ╭─
   44158.24 ┤                                        ╭─────────╯
   43257.48 ┤                                    ╭───╯
   42356.72 ┤                                    │
   41455.96 ┤                                    │
   40555.20 ┤                                    │
   39654.44 ┤                                    │
   38753.68 ┤                                    │
   37852.92 ┤                                    │
   36952.16 ┤                                    │
   36051.40 ┤                                    │
   35150.64 ┤                                    │
   34249.88 ┤                                    │
   33349.12 ┤                                    │
   32448.36 ┤                                    │
   31547.60 ┤                                    │
   30646.84 ┤                              ╭─────╯
   29746.08 ┤                           ╭──╯
   28845.32 ┤                           │
   27944.56 ┤                           │
   27043.80 ┤                           │
   26143.04 ┤                           │
   25242.28 ┤                           │
   24341.52 ┤                           │
   23440.76 ┤                           │
   22540.00 ┤                           │
   21639.24 ┤                           │
   20738.48 ┤                           │
   19837.72 ┤                           │
   18936.96 ┤                           │
   18036.20 ┤                         ╭─╯
   17135.44 ┤                         │
   16234.68 ┤                         │
   15333.92 ┤                         │
   14433.16 ┤                   ╭─────╯
   13532.40 ┤           ╭───────╯
   12631.64 ┤          ╭╯
   11730.88 ┤        ╭─╯
   10830.12 ┤        │
    9929.36 ┤        │
    9028.60 ┤        │
    8127.84 ┤        │
    7227.08 ┤        │
    6326.32 ┤        │
    5425.56 ┤        │
    4524.80 ┤     ╭──╯
    3624.04 ┤  ╭──╯
    2723.28 ┤ ╭╯
    1822.52 ┤ │
     921.76 ┤ │
      21.00 ┼─╯