
API scraping from the metmuseum website


⚠️ the museum api has changed a bunch, this needs a rewrite

scrapi, a metropolitan museum collections api is an api that grabs object information from the metropolitan museum's collections website.

Get a random object (/random)

Try curl in a terminal, or just click on /random

$ curl ''
  "CRDID": 12351,
  "accessionNumber": "65.211.3",

Object information (/object/:id)

Try curl in a terminal, or just click on object/1234

$ curl ''
  "CRDID": 123,
  "accessionNumber": "64.291.2",

Searching for object ids (/search/:terms)

You can now search for terms, and get back an array of hrefs to object pages

$ curl ''
  "collection": {
    "items": [
          "href": ""
          "href": ""


additional Params in search:

&page=X - for additional pages

&gallerynos=X for only objects in that gallery

Filtering with the fields parameter

If you want to filter any response, use the fields parameter, like so:

$ curl ',whoList/who/name'
  "whoList": {
    "who": {
      "name": "Richard Wittingham"
  "title": "Andiron"

The syntax to filter out fields is loosely based on XPath:

  • a,b,c comma-separated list will select multiple fields
  • a/b/c path will select a field from its parent
  • a(b,c) sub-selection will select many fields from a parent
  • a/*/c the star * wildcard will select all items in a field

I like the following fields for basic object information: fields=title,primaryArtistNameOnly,primaryImageUrl,medium,whatList/what/name,whenList/when/name,whereList/where/name,whoList/who/name


The code is CC0, but if you do anything interesting with the data, it would be nice to give attribution to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. If you do anything interesting with the code, it would be nice to give attribution to the contributors, or even better, become one!

Please submit all questions, bugs and feature requests to the issue page.

Dedicated to the memory of Aaron Swartz.

Installation and Deployment

The API requires node.js, uses redis for caching, and is built on the koa web framework.

If you already have nodejs installed:

which yarn || npm install -g yarn
yarn start
open || xdg-open

If you don't want to have to setup node, yarn, and redis on your local machine, I published a docker image:

which docker || { sudo apt-get install -y docker || cask install docker }
docker pull jedahan/collections-api
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name collections-api jedahan/collections-api
open || xdg-open
curl localhost:8080/random

You can build the docker image yourself if you want:

which docker || { sudo apt-get install -y docker || cask install docker }
docker build -t jedahan/collections-api:latest .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name collections-api jedahan/collections-api
open || xdg-open
curl localhost:8080/random