
Reads's mangas pages configured, it use regex to find the last volume from each title and if it is a new volume, notify users.

MIT License


Comix Notifier

This application scrapes the Comix Book Shop website, it finds the last volume of each mangá configured in the database and it sends push notifications to the mobile application (inside app folder) through a topic to users that subscribed to it.

Table of Contents



Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

$ yarn


$ npm install

Was installed and configured the eslint and prettier to keep the code clean and patterned.


The application sends and receives notifications (API and mobile application, respectively), to configure it properly you need to do some configurations.

  • First, create a project into Firebase, then download google-services.json file inside the app folder from the project configuration page (General Tab) and copy the API Cloud Messaging Token (or create one if not exists) from Cloud Messaging Tab.

  • Access your AWS account, open the SNS panel and create a platform application with the following name Comix-Notifier, select Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) as the platform and paste the API Cloud Messaging Token that you copied previously.

If you would like to use another name just remember to update the platform's ARN key in the serverless.ts (custom.platformApplicationArn).

Install the AWS Layers before to deploy:

$ cd layers/nodejs
$ npm install


$ cd layers/nodejs
$ yarn

Now you are ready to deploy the API, just run:

$ sls deploy

After the deploy concludes, configure the lambda's URL outputed by the deploy process into the .env file.


Rename the .env.example in the app directory to .env and configure the URL for the subscription lambda, it should be outputed at the end of the deploy process.

key description default
SUBSCRIPTION_URL Subscription lambda URL. -


In order to be able to subscribe to the topic and start to receive push notifications you will need to:

Install the mobile app, the first build must be through USB connection, so connect your device (or just open your emulator) and run:

$ cd app
$ npx react-native run-android

For iOS use ios instead of android, but this app was tested only with Android through USB connection and Android Studio Emulator, is strongly recommended to use the same system.

In the next times you can just start the Metro Bundler server:

$ yarn start


$ npx expo run:android

After install the app, follow the instructions on the screen.

You'll use the API Key here.


The /subscribe route expect an API Key in the x-api-key request header.

You can see more about this route in the routes section.

POST x-api-key: rJvz2XWV611PycVISNd2T43pCB4X1g5n7E8iyT58

To get one API Key you need to generate one in API Gateway.


route HTTP Method params description auth method
/subscribe POST Body with device FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) token Subscribe the device for push notifications. API Key


  • POST /subscribe

Request body:

  "token": "ff7XgLfwSGaVFS05iayn58:APA91bEJ508hqz8hr2EZttm845wn9plsRdJTArMDukr4xTUwdKq_G9qYZCnRIi7lK0M5OeMrnws-DKNNd__TNvnOLmekSNNcBXg3I08oAxT_wksoONXJVz0S12joypaq0-w7IEY6q7Pc"

Running the tests

Jest was the choice to test the app, to run:

$ yarn test


$ npm run test

Run the command in the root folder

Coverage report

You can see the coverage report inside tests/coverage. They are automatically created after the tests run.