
A monorepo of modules I use across many projects

OTHER License


bit add src/common-errors/* --main src/common-errors/{PARENT}/{PARENT}.js --tests src/common-errors/{PARENT}/*.test.js --namespace common-errors bit add packages/* --tests src/.test.js --namespace common-errors --tests src/components//*.test.js

bit export exigentcoder.shared-components npm i @bit/

https://[email protected]/krimzen-ninja/krimzen-ninja-shared-npm/_git/krimzen-ninja-shared-npm git+ Ninja/krimzen-ninja-common-errors.git

bit remove exigentcoder.shared-components --remote

modifying the test environment:

bit tag exigentcoder.common-modules/tester-mocha --patch bit export exigentcoder.common-modules tester-mocha bit import exigentcoder.common-modules/tester-mocha --tester


This project follows Semver guidelines for version numbering

Nothing to export

Sometimes you get an error saying there is nothing to export and when you run npm run bit-add you get an error like error: the components packages/entity-metadata does not contain a main file. to fix this you need to run a manual add individually one at a time in some sort of order before running the export. Run bit status to see which module has untracked files. Example output:

λ bit status
modified components
(use "bit tag --all [version]" to lock a version with all your changes)
(use "bit diff" to compare changes)

     > common-errors ... ok
     > entity-metadata ...  issues found
       untracked file dependencies (use "bit add <file>" to track untracked files as components):
          packages/entity-metadata/types.d.ts -> packages/entity-metadata/entity-metadata.d.ts

     > json-schema ... ok
     > mongodb-populate-from-disk ... ok
     > mongodb ... ok
     > validation ... ok
     > version-info ... ok

components pending to be tagged automatically (when their dependencies are tagged)
     > exigentcoder.common-modules/azure-functions ... ok
see troubleshooting at

In this instance I had to run:

bit add packages/entity-metadata --tests packages/{PARENT}/**/*.test.js -m packages/entity-metadata/index.js --id entity-metadata

the -m flag may not be needed.

After fixing it I ran:

npm run patch to republish