
A game console (video game cli) for browsers.

MIT License


Console.js npm-version

Console.js is a tiny lib for creating Console (video game cli) popups in browser.

NEW: v2.0 is out 😺

Check the Live Demo, or Basic Usage / Advance Usage / API.

Basic Usage

  1. To install console.js, either:
  • Use npm: npm install console.js
  • Include console.js in html:
    <script src=""></script>
  1. Create a Console:
const cnsl = new Console({ hotkey: 192 })

cnsl.register('addbots', function (num) {
    // Add some bots, then tell player:
    return num + ' bots added.'

Advance Usage


var cnsl = new Console({
    hotkey: 27, // <kbd>ESC</kbd>
    welcome: 'Hello User.',
    caseSensitive: true,
    autoComplete: true,
    defaultHandler: function () {},
    onShow: function () {},
    onHide: function () {}
}, {
  'cmd1': function (args) {/*...*/},
  'cmd2': function (args) {/*...*/}
  • hotkey : {Number|Boolean} The keyCode of hotkey. 192(the ~) by default.
  • welcome: {String} The welcome message. '' by default.
  • caseSensitive: {Boolean} If you want to. false by default.
  • autoComplete: {Boolean|Function} Enable tab for auto completion.
  • defaultHandler: {Function} The fallback handler for all commands. noop by default.
  • onShow : {Function} On show callback. noop by default.
  • onHide : {Function} On hide callback. noop by default.

Register command with extra config

.register(commandName, commandHandler, commandConfig)

var cnsl = new Console()

cnsl.register('say', function () {
  return + ': "' +, ' ') + '"'
}, {
  usage: 'SAY <message string>: Broadcast a message to other players in the game.'

cnsl.register('help', function () {
  return Object.keys(cnsl.handlers).map(function (name) {
    return ' - ' + cnsl.handlers[name].cfg.usage
}, {
  usage: 'HELP: Show help messages.'

Custome autoComplete function

var cnsl = new Console({
  hotkey: 27,
  autoComplete: customeAutoComplete

function customeAutoComplete (inputString) {
  const availableCommands = Object.keys(cnsl.handlers)
  cnsl.log(availableCommands.join(' '))

  return inputString


Create a Console

  • new Console() Create a console instance (with default options)
  • new Console(options) Create a console with options. (see Basic Usage)

Instance Methods

Note: Console instances on were exposed on window. You can fiddle with them(window.cnsl and window.smtc) in devtools.

.register(command, handler[, config])

  • .register(command, handler) Register a handler to command
  • .register(command, handler, config) Register a handler to cmd with a config object
  • .register(handler) Register a defaultHandler

.log(msg[, cmd])

  • .log(msg) Write a message to console
  • .log(msg, cmd) Write a message with an instruction to console


  • .clear() Clear history


  • .toggle() Toggle the console
  • .toggle("on") Open it
  • .toggle("off") Close it


  • .destroy() Suicide.


MIT © Amio