
koa API server implementing a Consolidating CoinJoin described here:

MIT License


Consolidating CoinJoin

This is an API server forked from this koa boilerplate. It implements the Consolidating CoinJoin described here. It works with this BCH command-line wallet.

Version 1.1.1 is a proof-of-concept prototype. This version will be refactored, tests will be added, and functionality iterated upon.

Future improvements to be made:

  • Add bootstrap bot, to bootstrap initial volume and ensure users money are returned within 24 hours.
  • Operator fees need to be considered and implemented.
  • Auditing of balances needs to be done more thoroughly.
  • Ensure DB entries and wallet information is deleted after each round.
    • Implement scrubbing and other extreme deletion measures.
  • Add a front end web browser interface with QR codes for easy scanning by smart phone apps.


  • node ^8.9.4
  • npm ^5.7.1


Installation is different depending on if you want to create a development server for developing the code, or a production server for setting up your own Consolidating CoinJoin service.


  • npm install to install npm dependencies.
  • ./install-mongo to install and setup mongodb.
  • npm test to run tests and ensure everything is working correctly.
  • npm start to run a development server.


This server requires a Mongo database, so it uses Docker Compose to run in production. This tutorial shows how to setup Docker. This tutorial shows how to setup Docker Compose. Here are some commands to build and run this application with Docker Compose:

  • docker-compose build --no-cache will build the Docker container from scratch. If previously used, this will fail without first deleting the database folder, which is created with root privileges by Docker, so it must be deleted with the command sudo rm -rf database.

  • docker-compose up -d will run the server in the background (daemon mode). The server attaches to port 5000 on the host by default.

It is assumed that a production server will have nginx sitting in front of the docker containers. Nginx will serve static content, handle SSL, and proxy API calls to the docker container on port 5000.


    server.js            # Bootstrapping and entry point
 config                   # Server configuration settings
    env                  # Environment specific config
    index.js             # Config entrypoint - exports config according to envionrment and commons
    passport.js          # Passportjs config of strategies
 src                      # Source code
       controller.js    # Module-specific controllers
       router.js        # Router definitions for module
    models               # Mongoose models
    middleware           # Custom middleware
        validators       # Validation middleware
 test                     # Unit tests


  • npm start Start server on live mode
  • npm run dev Start server on dev mode with nodemon
  • npm run docs Generate API documentation
  • npm test Run mocha tests
