
MIT License


Getting started

# 1. Navigate into the `server` directory of the new project
cd my-app/server

# 2. Start the server
yarn dev # runs server on http://localhost:4000, and opens GraphQL PLayground

# 3. Open a new tab in the terminal and navigate back into my-app;
# then run the app
cd ..
yarn start



  • yarn start starts GraphQL server on http://localhost:4000
  • yarn dev starts GraphQL server on http://localhost:4000 and opens GraphQL Playground
  • yarn playground opens the GraphQL Playground for the projects from .graphqlconfig.yml
  • yarn prisma <subcommand> gives access to local version of Prisma CLI (e.g. yarn prisma deploy)

Note: We recommend that you're using yarn dev during development as it will give you access to the GraphQL API or your server (defined by the application schema) as well as to the Prisma API directly (defined by the Prisma database schema). If you're starting the server with yarn start, you'll only be able to access the API of the application schema.

Server structure

File name                Description         
├── .graphqlconfig.yml Configuration file based on graphql-config (e.g. used by GraphQL Playground).
└── database (directory) Contains all files that are related to the Prisma database service
  ├── prisma.yml The root configuration file for your Prisma database service (docs)
  └── datamodel.graphql Defines your data model (written in GraphQL SDL)
└── src (directory) Contains the source files for your GraphQL server
  ├── index.js The entry point for your GraphQL server
  ├── schema.graphql The application schema defining the API exposed to client applications
  └── generated (directory) Contains generated files
    └── prisma.grapghql The Prisma database schema defining the Prisma GraphQL API


The GraphQL boilerplates are maintained by the GraphQL community, with official support from the Apollo & Graphcool teams.

Your feedback is very helpful, please share your opinion and thoughts! If you have any questions or want to contribute yourself, join the #graphql-boilerplate channel on our Slack.