
Chrome extension which converts units on webpages to ones you actually understand.



When you open a webpage, Convertr scans the page and converts all the units to your measuring system of choice automatically. For example, let's say you are from mainland Europe and used to the metric system.

You might come across a recipe that uses fluid ounces and pounds online, but instead of searching Google for the conversion of all these units, Convertr takes care of them for you. Without even noticing it, all the units on the page are in millilitres and grams.

It works the other way around as well; if you are from the US and used to the imperial system, it will convert all the metric units to imperial ones.

Development instructions

  1. run npm install

  2. run grunt --reload-extension

  3. open chrome://extensions/ and load the build as unpacked extension

Installation instructions

These instructions assume you have Google Chrome installed and are using it right now. If not, please head to the Google Chrome page and follow the instructions there.

  1. Go to the Releases of the GitHub repo (click here).

  2. Download the Source.crx file of the latest release.

  3. Open chrome://extensions. (Click here in Chrome to open it)

  4. Drag and drop the Source.crx file onto the Extensions page you opened in the last step.

  5. Click Add on the popup.

And that's it! You have successfully added the extension - try it out on the test page!