
πŸ–¨οΈ A simple Cordova plugin for printing receipts from an Epson TM printer.

MIT License


Epson TM Printer Service

A simple Cordova plugin for printing receipts from an Epson TM printer. πŸ§ΎπŸ–¨οΈ

This plugin defines a global EpsonTM object, which is available after the deviceready event.

IMPORTANT: If you are building an app with this plugin for a simulator on a Mac with Apple Silicon, then you may encounter a build error. To resolve the issue, exclude arm64 for the simulator SDK under both <Project>.xcodeproj and CordovaLib.xcodeproj. See technote TN3117 for more details.


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-epson-tm


The EpsonTM object has constants for the following compatible printer models:

  • m10
  • m30
  • P20
  • P60
  • P60II
  • P80
  • T20
  • T60
  • T70
  • T81
  • T82
  • T83
  • T88
  • T90
  • T90KP
  • U220
  • U330
  • L90
  • H6000
  • T83III
  • T100

Additionally, but most importantly, the EpsonTM object has three methods. Ideally, they should be used in the same component (yes, this plugin is UI-library-agnostic).

  • printReceipt(args, success, error)
  • startPrinterSearch(success, error)
  • stopPrinterSearch(success, error)

printReceipt(args, success, error)

Prints a receipt using the specified args.


  • args β€” An object that contains the following properties:
    • model β€” The Epson TM printer model (e.g., EpsonTM.m30).
    • lines β€” The lines on the receipt.
    • includeCustomerCopy β€” Indicates whether a second copy of the receipt
      will be printed. The default is false.
  • success β€” A callback to invoke when the receipt is printed. It passes
  • error β€” A callback to invoke when there is an error. It passes one of the
    following errors:
    • PRINTER_NOT_FOUND β€” An Epson TM printer was not found by the service.
    • INVALID_PRINTER_MODEL β€” The Epson TM printer model is invalid.
    • CANNOT_CONNECT_PRINTER β€” The service cannot connect to an Epson TM
    • BLANK_RECEIPT β€” The receipt is blank.
        model: EpsonTM.m30,
        lines: [
            "        BUSINESS NAME         ",
            "       1234 Main Street       ",
            "        City, ST 54321        ",
            "        1(123)456-7890        ",
            "Lorem ipsum              $1.25",
            "Dolor sit amet           $7.99",
            "Consectetur             $26.70",
            "Adipiscing elit         $15.49",
            "Sed semper              $18.79",
            "Accumsan ante           $42.99",
            "Non laoreet              $9.99",
            "Dui dapibus eu          $27.50\n",

            "Sub Total              $150.70",
            "Sales Tax                $5.29",
            "TOTAL                  $155.99",
        includeCustomerCopy: true,
    (result) => console.log(`Success? ${result}`),
    (error) => {
        if (error === EpsonTM.Error.CANNOT_CONNECT_PRINTER) {
            console.log("Cannot connect to a printer.")

startPrinterSearch(success, error)

Starts searching for an Epson TM printer.

This method will keep running in the background until either a printer is found or the stopPrinterSearch method is called. Ideally, it should be called when the component is created.


  • success β€” A callback to invoke when the printer search is started.
    It passes true.
  • error β€” A callback to invoke when there is an error. It passes the error
    (result) => console.log(`Success? ${result}`),
    (error) => {
        if (error === EpsonTM.Error.CANNOT_START_PRINTER_SEARCH) {
            console.log("Cannot start printer search.")

stopPrinterSearch(success, error)

Stops searching for an Epson TM printer.

Ideally, this method should be called when the component is destroyed.


  • success β€” A callback to invoke when the printer search is stopped.
    It passes true.
  • error β€” A callback to invoke when there is an error. It passes the error
    (result) => console.log(`Success? ${result}`),
    (error) => {
        if (error === EpsonTM.Error.CANNOT_STOP_PRINTER_SEARCH) {
            console.log("Cannot stop printer search.")

Component Example

Here is how one would use the plugin in a Svelte component:

    import {onDestroy, onMount} from "svelte"

    const printReceipt = () => {
                model: EpsonTM.m30,
                lines: receiptLines,
                includeCustomerCopy: true,
            (result) => {},
            (error) => {
                // Handle the error here.

        () => EpsonTM.startPrinterSearch()

        () => EpsonTM.stopPrinterSearch()

<button on:click={printReceipt}>
    Print Receipt

For a more concrete example, please check out this repo.