
👂 Replace window.SpeechRecognition with a mock object and automate your tests

MIT License



Corti is a mock implementation of the browser’s SpeechRecognition API (aka webkitSpeechRecognition) for automated testing. It helps developers simulate speech recognition functionalities and test their applications in a controlled environment without relying on actual speech input.

💡 To easily use Speech Recognition in your own project, check out annyang.


  • Mock SpeechRecognition API for testing purposes (can replace window.SpeechRecognition, window.webkitSpeechRecognition, window.mozSpeechRecognition, etc.)
  • Compatible with all JavaScript testing frameworks
  • Can be required (CJS), imported (ESM), or included via a script tag for testing in Node.js or in a browser
  • Adds additional functionality to the SpeechRecognition API to support programmatically simulating speech and checking the current status

Getting Started


Install corti as a dev dependency using npm / pnpm / bun / yarn / etc:

npm install --save-dev corti

Sample Usage

In node.js (ESM)

// Vitest example
import { SpeechRecognition } from 'corti';
import { describe, it, expect, beforeEach, beforeAll, afterAll, vi } from 'vitest';

beforeAll(() => {
  vi.stubGlobal('SpeechRecognition', SpeechRecognition);

afterAll(() => {

describe('Mirror mirror on the wall', () => {
  let recognition;
  let spyFn;

  beforeEach(() => {
    recognition = new globalThis.SpeechRecognition();
    spyFn = vi.fn();
    recognition.maxAlternatives = 5;
    recognition.onresult = spyFn;

  it('should call callback when called with a single sentence', () => {
    recognition.say('Hello world');
    const event = spyFn.mock.calls[0][0];
    expect(event.results[0][0].transcript).toBe('Hello world');

  it('should call callback when called with multiple sentences', () => {
    recognition.say(['Hello world', 'How are you?']);
    const event = spyFn.mock.calls[0][0];
    expect(event.results[0][0].transcript).toBe('Hello world');
    expect(event.results[0][1].transcript).toBe('How are you?');

In node.js (CJS)

// Jest example
const { SpeechRecognition } = require('corti');

beforeAll(() => {
  global.SpeechRecognition = SpeechRecognition;

test('SpeechRecognition', () => {
  const speech = new globalThis.SpeechRecognition();
  const spyFn = jest.fn();
  speech.onresult = spyFn;
  speech.continuous = true;
  speech.say('Hello world');
  speech.say('Hello world');

In Browser (ESM)

<script type="module">
  // Mock native SpeechRecognition
  import { SpeechRecognition } from 'corti.js';
  window.SpeechRecognition = SpeechRecognition;

  // Run some tests
  const recognition = new window.SpeechRecognition();
  recognition.onresult = () => console.log('I hear it!');
  recognition.say('Hello world');

In Browser (without modules)

<script src="../dist/corti.js"></script>
  // Mock native SpeechRecognition
  window.SpeechRecognition = corti.SpeechRecognition;

  // Run some tests
  const recognition = new window.SpeechRecognition();
  recognition.onresult = () => console.log('I hear it!');
  recognition.say('Hello world');

For an example of how Corti is used in a real project, check out how SpeechRecognition is mocked and tested in Corti.

Methods Mocked

  • start()
  • abort()
  • stop()
  • addEventListener()

Attributes Mocked

  • interimResults
  • lang
  • continuous
  • maxAlternatives
  • onstart
  • onend
  • onresult
  • onsoundstart

Events Mocked

  • start
  • end
  • result
  • soundstart

Objects Mocked

  • SpeechRecognition
  • SpeechRecognitionEvent
  • SpeechRecognitionResultList
  • SpeechRecognitionResult
  • SpeechRecognitionAlternative

Extra Utility Methods Added To Mocked SpeechRecognition Object

  • isStarted()
  • say()


Tal Ater: @TalAter


Licensed under MIT.