
Couchbase-server-promises library wraps couchbase's callback functions for handling the result of the asynchronous operations, with Bluebird promises to provide a convenient, promise-based interface.



A promise-based asynchronous library for Couchbase and node.js.

The Official Couchbase Node.js Client Library provides only callback functions to handle the result of the asynchronous operations. This couchbase-server-promises library wraps those callback functions with Bluebird promises to provide a convenient, promise-based interface.


First, install couchbase-server-promises as a dependency:

npm install --save couchbase-server-promises

In order to init it, you should use a config. The config should have a structure like this:

const config = {
  cluster: [ 'couchbase://' ],
  buckets: [
      bucket: 'customers',
      bucket: 'stats',
      bucket: 'users'
  user: 'testUser',
  password: 'testPassword',

as buckets we add all couchbase's bucket(name&password(password is not required)), that we have in our cluster. Also you can specify multiple hosts(clusters) in the connection string(cluster's array in config). To specify multiple hosts, separate them using a comma, for example: cluster: [couchbase://,couchbase://]. Also, you can specify operationTimeout for each bucket(not required).

Then, reference it in your code file:

const couchbasePromisesWrapper = require('couchbase-server-promises')(config);

Use the methods of the couchbasePromisesWrapper class to manage documents stored in your Couchbase database directly by their document identifiers:

Exported Methods:

  • getDoc(bucket, docId)
  • upsertDoc(bucket, docId, newDoc)
  • insertDoc(bucket, docId, newDoc)
  • replaceDoc(bucket, docId, newDoc)
  • removeDoc(bucket, docId)
  • getMultiDocs(bucket, [ docIds ])
  • query(bucket, query)
  • getBucketManager(bucket): Returns bucket.manager
  • getConnectedBuckets(): Returns array of connected buckets
  • disconnectBucket(bucket): Disconnects from bucket

where: bucket: is the name of bucket we want to manage doc, docId: is the doc's name we want to manage, newDoc: is the doc's struct that we want to store in docId


  1. Get doc with name user:test from customers bucket:
try {
  const doc = await couchbasePromisesWrapper.getDoc('customers', 'user:test');
} catch(error) {
  1. Get doc with name statistics:test from stats bucket:
try {
  const doc = await couchbasePromisesWrapper.getDoc('stats', 'statistics:test');
} catch(error) {
  1. Update doc with name statistics:test from stats bucket with a new object called newTestValue:
try {
  const doc = await couchbasePromisesWrapper.upsertDoc('stats', 'statistics:test', newTestValue)
} catch(error) {
  1. Remove doc with name statistics:test from stats bucket:
try {
  const doc = await couchbasePromisesWrapper.removeDoc('stats', 'statistics:test')
} catch(error) {
  1. Replace doc with name statistics:test from stats bucket with a new object called newTestValue:
try {
  const doc = await couchbasePromisesWrapper.replaceDoc('stats', 'statistics:test', newTestValue)
} catch(error) {
  1. Add new doc with name statistics:test in stats bucket with value: newTestValue:
try {
  const doc = await couchbasePromisesWrapper.insertDoc('stats', 'statistics:test', newTestValue)
} catch(error) {
  1. Get list of docs(multi) with name statistics:test1, statistics:test2 and statistics:test3:
try {
  const docs = await couchbasePromisesWrapper.getMultiDocs('stats', [
} catch(error) {
  1. Make query to stats bucket using a view:
const view = couchbasePromisesWrapper.ViewQuery
  .from('testView', 'test')
  .range(startkey, endkey)
couchbasePromisesWrapper.query('stats', view)
.then(doc => {
.catch(error => {
  1. Make query to stats bucket using a N1qlQuery:
const sqlQuery = couchbasePromisesWrapper.N1qlQuery.fromString(`
  SELECT * FROM \`stats\`
  WHERE type = "test";
couchbasePromisesWrapper.query('stats', sqlQuery)
.then(doc => {
.catch(error => {

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