
API COVID-19 updated cases in Brazil


Brasil COVID-19 Cases API

This project was created to have an updated API providing the data of COVID-19 cases in Brazil, according to the official site of the Ministry of Health. The project has been developed with Node.js and MongoDB and provides a REST API serving updated data of confirmed and deaths cases. In order retrieve the data from the Ministry web it is used a scheduled cron.

🔄 Retrieving official data | Update Service cron

One of the main parts of the project is the automation for having the database updated. The code is at /src/app/services/UpdateService.js: The cron is scheduled to run everyday at 18:00h and 00:00h: the data of the official site is commonly updated around 18:00h, and in case this update delays for any reason it will be updated at midnight.

When the cron starts, using Pupeeter in order to navigate the site as a browser, it is examinate the last update time at If the time isn´t more recent than the stored update time at the database then nothing else is triggered, everything is up to date. Otherwise, if the update time is more recent than the stored time, the next step is triggered: The CSV file is downloaded (at a temporal folder) and it is parsed into an array of JSON objects to override the data stored at the database.

📓 API Documentation | Swagger

It is used Swagger to make a proper documentation of the API and capable of allow live tests. It is accessible at http://localhost:3000/docs in case you run the project at your computer.

🧪 Validation and Testing | Celebrate and Jest

The project uses Celebrate to implement validators at a middleware in order to check that the inputs of the requests are valid (at src/app/validators). Also it is used Jest to make both unit testing and integration (with database) testing using mocks.

🗺️ API | Main

The POST / PUT / DELETE methods of the API are reserved to registered users. To do this, is mandatory to register and have a valid JWT Token.

👤 User

  • Register. To register in the database and receive a valid JWT.
  • Authenticate. To receive a new valid token, because it expires by default in one day.
  • Forgot Password. To activate a reset password action. One new ResetToken is sent to the mail of the user valid for 10 minutes.
  • Reset Password. To reset the password with the ResetToken received by mail.

🏙️ State

  • List States. Lists all states information with confirmed and deaths for each state.
  • Create States. Valid only for registered users with JWT.
  • Get State by Code (UF). List a state information by its UF code
  • Update State by Code (UF). Update state info by its UF code. Valid only for registered users with JWT.
  • Delete State. Removes the state by ID. Valid only for registered users with JWT.

®️ Region

  • List Region. Lists all region information. A region is an agroupation of states.
  • Create Region. Valid only for registered users with JWT.
  • Get Region by Name. List Region information by its name (norte, nordeste, sudeste, centro-oeste, sul)
  • Update Region by ID. Update state info by its ID. Valid only for registered users with JWT.
  • Delete State. Removes the region by ID. Valid only for registered users with JWT.

The main two resources are:

Get State by Code (UF)

Finds and returns a state by its code (UF code).

GET /states/:code
Parameter In Type Description
code path string Required. UF code of Brazil


  "name": string,
  "code": string,
  "region": {
     "_id": string($uuid),
    "description": string
  "population": number,
  "confirmed": number,
  "deaths": number,
  "officialUpdated": date
Status Code Description
200 Successful operation. State listed.
400 Bad request. Wrong State code.
500 Internal Server Error. Error finding the state.

Get Region by Name

Finds and returns a region by its name (norte, nordeste, sudeste, centro-oeste, sul)

GET /region/:name
Parameter In Type Description
name path string Required. Name of brazilian region


   "region": {
    "_id": string($uuid),
    "name": string,
    "description": string,
    "confirmed": number,
    "deaths": number,
    "states": [
        "_id": string($uuid),
        "name": string,
        "code": string,
        "population": number,
        "confirmed": number,
        "deaths": number,
        "officialUpdated": date
      { ... }
Status Code Description
200 Successful operation. Region listed.
400 Bad request. Wrong Region Name.
404 Region not found.
500 Internal Server Error. Error finding the region.