
GRANDstack app to view COVID-19 related data

APACHE-2.0 License


GRANDstack Starter

This project is a starter for building a GRANDstack (GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database) application. There are two components to the starter, the UI application (in React and Angular flavors) and the API app (GraphQL server).



You need a Neo4j instance, e.g. a Neo4j Sandbox, a local instance via Neo4j Desktop, Docker or a Neo4j instance on AWS, Azure or GCP or Neo4j Cloud

For schemas using the @cypher directive (as in this repo) via neo4j-graphql-js, you need to have the APOC library installed, which should be automatic in Sandbox, Cloud and is a single click install in Neo4j Desktop. If when using the Sandbox / cloud you encounter an issue where an error similar to Can not be converted to long: org.neo4j.kernel.impl.core.NodeProxy, Location: [object Object], Path: users appears in the console when running the React app, try installing and using Neo4j locally instead.

Sandbox setup

A good tutorial can be found here:

Local setup

  1. Download Neo4j Desktop
  2. Install and open Neo4j Desktop.
  3. Create a new DB by clicking "New Graph", and clicking "create local graph".
  4. Set password to "letmein" (as suggested by api/.env), and click "Create".
  5. Make sure that the default credentials in api/.env are used. Leave them as follows: NEO4J_URI=bolt://localhost:7687 NEO4J_USER=neo4j NEO4J_PASSWORD=letmein
  6. Click "Manage".
  7. Click "Plugins".
  8. Find "APOC" and click "Install".
  9. Click the "play" button at the top of left the screen, which should start the server. (screenshot 2)
  10. Wait until it says "RUNNING".
  11. Proceed forward with the rest of the tutorial.


Install dependencies

(cd ./ui-react && npm install)
(cd ./ui-angular && npm install)
(cd ./api && npm install)

Start API server

cd ./api && npm start


This will start the GraphQL API in the foreground, so in another terminal session start the React UI development server:

Start the React UI server

cd ./ui-react && npm start


A UI built with Angular, Apollo and the Clarity Design System is also available.

Start the Angular UI server

cd ./ui-angular && npm start

See the project releases for the changelog.


Zeit Now v2

Zeit Now v2 can be used with monorepos such as grand-stack-starter. now.json defines the configuration for deploying with Zeit Now v2.

  1. Set the now secrets for your Neo4j instance:
now secret add NEO4J_URI bolt+routing://<YOUR_NEO4J_INSTANCE_HERE>
  1. Run now

Zeit Now v1

  1. Run now in /api and choose package.json when prompted.
  2. Set REACT_APP_GRAPHQL_API based on the API deployment URL from step 1 in ui-react/.env
  3. Run now in /env and choose package.json when prompted.

Docker Compose

You can quickly start via:

docker-compose up -d

If you want to load the example DB after the services have been started:

docker-compose run api npm run seedDb

This project is licensed under the Apache License v2. Copyright (c) 2018 Neo4j, Inc.