

GoodRX Code Challenge

Welcome to the GoodRX code challenge

Getting Started

This project is dependent on yarn so please install it globally on your machine or use the Docker commands:

Running Locally

Install all dependencies


Start a local dev server with hot reloading and serve port 3000 => http://localhost:3000

yarn start

Bundle and optimize all static assets and serve port 3000 => http://localhost:3000

yarn build
yarn serve

Running Locally With Docker

Start a local dev server with hot reloading and serve port 3000 => http://localhost:3000

docker-compose -f docker-compose.override.yml up app

Bundle and optimize all static assets and serve on port 80 with NGINX => http://localhost

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up app

Technologies Utilized

  • Create React App
    • This boilerplate was provided with the challenge although I updated it to the latest version in order to utilize React Hooks.
  • Rebass / Emotion / Styled Components
    • I started off wanting to use Styled Components along with Styled System. I ended up using Rebass because I wanted a light weight component library that allowed for theming using CSS in JS. Rebass is built upon Emotion and therefore I opted out of Styled Components. Overall, I really enjoyed the theming available in these frameworks and the declarative nature of Rebass but in the future if I had more time would most likely build a complete style guide using Styled Components and Styled System.

Application Concerns and TODO's

  • Potentially modularize the SearchBar component.
    • I'm newer to using React Hooks and wasn't completely sure if creating more module components / hooks would work for the SearchBar. As is the "loading" state is quite naive and the tests for the SearchBar are very monolithic.
  • Caching API requests.
    • Again being newer to building custom React Hooks in combination with a "redux like" architechture I was unsure where caching should take place. For example, in the usePharamcy hook we are making an HTTP request for every lat and lng change as well as for every time a checkbox is checked / unchecked. Ideally, we would cache responses either in local or "redux" state and only make requests for request url's that are not in the cache.


This app uses Jest and React Testing Library to test application. React Testing Library proved to be a great asset in testing components that use asynchronous hooks as Enzyme has not yet been updated to work well with React Hooks.

To run tests and watch for changes:

yarn test

To run tests and exit:

yarn test --watchAll=false