
Custom elements renderer for ssr



This package contains an Astro SSR integration to render vanilla custom elements on the server, as well as a @lit-labs/ssr compatible ElementRenderer for usage with @lit-labs/ssr.

Enables server-side rendering and client-side hydration for your Lit custom elements.

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Differences with lit SSR

It could be the case that you were hoping the Lit SSR package would also support vanilla Custom Elements, and were surprised to find that it didnt. The reason for this is that to render custom elements on the server side, we need some browser APIs to be available in a Node.js environment. Lit however, makes surprisingly little use of browser APIs to be able to do efficient rendering. This means that the DOM shim that Lit SSR requires is really, really minimal, and doesn't include a bunch of things, like for example querySelectors. This package instead makes use of linkedom to shim browser functionality on the server, which does include the required browser APIs to render custom elements on the server.

Additionally the ElementRenderer for vanilla custom elements is a little bit different from Lit elements.


Linkedom has decent support for custom elements, but there is some functionality missing, like for example HTMLSlotElements assignedNodes() method. There is an open issue here.

@lit-labs/ssr usage

Import the ElementRenderer:

import { CustomElementRenderer } from 'custom-elements-ssr/CustomElementRenderer.js';

Astro Usage


In your Astro SSR-enabled project, you'll need to install the integration and the required polyfill:

npm i custom-elements-ssr @webcomponents/template-shadowroot

Add the integration to your astro.config.mjs:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
+ import customElements from 'custom-elements-ssr/astro.js';

export default defineConfig({
+  integrations: [customElements()]


Create a custom element in your project.


class MyElement extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {
    this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

  connectedCallback() {
    this.shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<h1>Hello World</h1>';

// Make sure to export the `tagName`, without it, Astro will error
export const tagName = 'my-element';
customElements.define(tagName, MyElement);

And then use it in your Astro pages: index.astro:

import '../components/my-element.js';
<my-element client:idle></my-element>


You can find an example here: