
MIT License


=== Description

An very basic introduction to using {D3.js}[http://mbostock.github.com/d3/] to display a Neo4j graph via its {REST API}[http://components.neo4j.org/neo4j-server/milestone/rest.html].

=== How To

Follow along on {Graph Visualization and Neo4j - Part Three}[http://wp.me/p26jdv-4k]

git clone [email protected]:maxdemarzi/d3_js_intro.git cd d3_js_intro bundle install rake neo4j:install rake neo4j:start rake neo4j:create rackup

Then visit http://localhost:9292/index.html to see the examples.

See an example running on heroku at {http://morning-sunset-4428.herokuapp.com/index.html}[http://morning-sunset-4428.herokuapp.com/index.html]

=== Requirements

  • Ruby 1.9.2+
  • Neo4j 1.7

=== Links

  • {Neo4j Community}[http://neo4j.org]
  • {D3.js}[http://mbostock.github.com/d3/]
  • {Max De Marzi}[http://maxdemarzi.com]