
converts natural language date ranges into queries suitable for a search engine

APACHE-2.0 License


h1. date-range-parser.js

The date-range-parser is a standalone javascript library that provides a natural language like construct for generating date range queries that would be fed into a database or search service

This is a preferred option for power user tools as standard date widgets require the use of a mouse.

the date-range-parser also contains a number parser that follows the same constructs

h2. How To Use

@dateRangeParser.parse()@ either return @null@, if the string can not be converted, or an object with @start@ and @end@ attributes @start@ and @end@ are either null (meaning no constraint) or the number of seconds since epoch. Often these values can be passed directly to the db/search service. Alternately they can be passed directly into the @Date@ constructor to produce javascript Date objects @var myDate = new Date(range.start)@

pre. $("#date-range").blur(function() { var range = window.dateRangeParser.parse($(this).val()); if(range) { $("#start-date").val(range.start || ""); $("#end-date").val(range.end || ""); } else { alert("Invalid date range entered"); } });

h4. Note on Time Zones

date-range-parser.js work entirely in @UTC / GMT / Z (+0)@ timezone. Usually databases will store dates like this. If local time is preferred, the date can be extracted with the timezone applied using methods from the javascript "Date": object.

h4. Note on @now@

the date range parser can generate several types of queries relative to @now@ which is defined as the current time on the users computer (to the millisecond) This can be overridden by setting to a new value

h2. Quick Syntax Guide

  • @now@

  • @today@

  • @tomorrow@

  • @yesterday@

  • @last/this/next week@

  • @last/this/next month@

  • @last/this/next year@

  • @1000secs@

  • @5mins@

  • @1day@

  • @2days@

  • @8d@

  • @9months@

  • @2yrs@

  • @5@

  • @5:35@

  • @5:35:12@

  • @2011@

  • @2011-03@

  • @2011-03-04@

  • @2011-03-04 04@

  • @2011-03-04 04:15@

  • @2011-03-04 04:15:29@

  • @2010 -> 2011@

  • @2005-11-05 16:13:49 -> 2005-11-06 05:12:11@

  • @last week -> next week@

  • @2011-05 ->@

  • @< now@

  • @2000-01-01 -> last week@

  • @2000 -> 10y@

  • @3mins < now@

  • @last year -> 6months@

  • @2010-05-13 05:13 <> 10m@

  • @now <> 1yr@

  • @lastweek <> 1month@

h2. Syntax in more detail

h3. Keywords / Key Phrases

  • @now@
  • @today@
  • @tomorrow@
  • @yesterday@
  • @last/this/next week@
  • @last/this/next month@
  • @last/this/next year@

Creates a range covering all value dates relative to @now@

Note: spaces are optional

h3. Ranges

  • @1000secs@
  • @5mins@
  • @1day@
  • @2days@
  • @8d@
  • @9months@
  • @2yrs@

Entering a range alone creates a date search centered on @now@ and spreading in to the past and future by the specified amount Examples: given now is @2001-09-09 01:46:40@

  • "3days" searches from 3 days in the past to 3 days in the future (@2001-09-03 01:46:40 -> 2001-09-12 01:46:40@)
  • "1hr" searches from 1 hour in the past to 1 hour in the future (@2001-09-09 00:46:40 -> 2001-09-09 02:46:40@)
  • "600mins" searches from 10 hours in the past to 10 hours in the future (@2001-09-08 15:46:40 -> 2001-09-09 11:46:40@)

The following aliases can be used with ranges;

  • seconds: s, sec, secs, second, seconds
  • minutes: m, min, mins, minute minutes
  • hours: h, hr, hrs, hour, hours
  • days: d, day, days
  • months: mo, mos, month, months
  • years: y, yr, yrs, year, years

Note: Months are always calculates as 31 days, and years are always calculated as 365 days

h3. Dates

  • @2011@
  • @2011-03@
  • @2011-03-04@

A date format alone will search the range of dates covered by the date.

  • "2011" searches the year of 2011 (@2011-01-01 00:00:00.000 -> 2011-12-31 23:59:59.999@)
  • "2011-03" searches the month of march 2011 (@2011-03-01 00:00:00.000 -> 2011-03-31 23:59:59.999@)
  • "2011-03-04" searches the day of 4th march 2011 (@2011-03-04 00:00:00.000 -> 2011-03-04 23:59:59.999@)

Dates must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format

h3. Times

  • @5@
  • @5:35@
  • @5:35:12@

entering a time creates a range in today examples:

  • "5" searches the hour of 5am for today (@today 05:00:00.000 -> today 05:59:59.999@)
  • "5:35" searches the minute of 5:35 for today (@today 05:35:00.000 -> today 05:35:59.999@)
  • "5:35:12" searches the second of 5:35:12 for today (@today 05:35:12.000 -> today 05:35:12.999@)

Times must be entered in the H-MM-SS format, and am/pm can not be used

h3. DateTime

  • @2011-03-04 04@
  • @2011-03-04 04:15@
  • @2011-03-04 04:15:29@

entering a date and time part creates a range on the specified interval examples:

  • "2011-03-04 04" searches the hour of 4am march 4th 2011 (@2011-03-04 04:00:00.000 -> 2011-03-04 04:59:59.999@)
  • "2011-03-04 04:15" searches the minute of 15 mins past 4am march 4th 2011 (@2011-03-04 04:15:00.000 -> 2011-03-04 04:15:59.999@)
  • "2011-03-04 04:15:29" searches the second of 15:29 past 4am march 4th 2011 (@2011-03-04 04:15:29.000 -> 2011-03-04 04:15:29.999@)

h3. Date Ranges

  • @2010 -> 2011@
  • @last week -> next week@
  • @2011-05 ->@
  • @< now@

A Date Range is created by specifying two dates in any format (Keyword / Date / Time / DateTime) separated by @<@ or @->@ (both do the same thing) If either end of the date range is missing, it is the same as having no constraint in that direction Examples:

  • "2010 ->" searches from the start of 2010 into the future (@2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 -> null@)
  • "-> 2010" searches all the past to the end of 2010 (@null -> 2010-12-31 23:59:59.999@)
  • "2000 -> 2010" searches from the start of 2000 to the end of 2010 (@2000-01-01 00:00:00.000 -> 2010-12-31 23:59:59.999@)
  • "last year -> next year" search all of last year, this year and next year
  • "2010 -> now" searches the start of 2010 to now

h3. Date Range using offset

  • @2010 -> 1yr@
  • @3mins < now@

Searches the specified date including the range in the direction specified Example:

  • "2010 -> 1yr" searches all of 2010 and 1 year more (@2010-01-01 00:00:00.000 -> 2011-12-31 23:59:59.999@)
  • "3mins -> now" searches 3 minutes in the past to now

h3. Anchor Ranges

  • @2010-05-13 05:13 <> 10m@
  • @now <> 1yr@
  • @lastweek <> 1month@

entering a date followed by the @<>@ range operator followed by a range creates search centered on the date extended in both directions by the range Example:

  • "2010 <> 2days" searches from the start of 2010 - 2 days to the end of 2010 + 2 days (@2009-12-29 00:00:00.000 -> 2011-01-02 23:59:59.999@)
  • "2010-01-01 <> 4m" searches from sept 2009 to april 2010 (@2009-09-01 00:00:00.000 -> 2010-04-30 23:59:59.999@)

h3. Number Ranges

The @parseNumber@ function can be used to parse a numnber range following the same conventions as the date range. The numberParser returns javascript numbers (which are either 32bit integers or 64bit floats)

  • @0@
  • @1@
  • @-100@
  • @0 -> 100@
  • @-99.999 -> 100.000@
  • @4.33e10@
  • @< 0.333@
  • @100 ->@