
Easy and clean wrapper for great debug utility

MIT License


Debug composer

Easy and clean wrapper for great debug utility

Wrapper for debug utility that provides clean and dead simple API


Why this exists?

Just to be able to call debug logger methods in a cleaner way and make debug configuration (that in localStorage in browser) much simpler.

I found a bug! What should I do?

Feel free to make a pull request. All contributions are appreciated!


Creating logger

import createLogger from 'debug-composer';

const logger = createLogger('yourNamespace');

Using logger

// this will be same as calling debug(yourNamespace:info)('Not so important message')'Not so important message'); // yourNamespace:info Not so important message

You can use one of predefined methods:

  • log
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • debug

Or add you own:

logger.someCustomMethod('My message'); // yourNamespace:someCustomMethod My message

// add returns added method
logger.add('someOtherMethod')('Another message'); // yourNamespace:someOtherMethod Another message

// you can add more methods at once (but in this case add will not return any of added methods)
logger.add(['firstMethod', 'secondMethod']);
logger.secondMethod('Second message'); // yourNamespace:secondMethod Second message

Good practices with logger

  • Use namespace that is exactly the same as name of your library
  • Try to use methods names wisely:
    • if your lib/application has distinctive parts/features (e.g. AuthService or name of the react component) use their names as methods
    • if not you can also use methods like warn, info, debug, error, critical etc. to distinguish importance of a message

Using configureDebugger method

NOTE: configureDebugger method works only in browser (where localStorage is available). You can set these options in node by using DEBUG environment variable.

import { configureDebugger, resetDebugger } from 'debug-composer';

const settings = {
  development: {
    '*': true,
    '': false,
    '*': false,
  production: {
    'veryImportantLib:veryImportantLogs': true,

resetDebugger(); // we can remove all previous configuration from localStorage
configureDebugger(settings, environment); // if you're using webpack and webpack.DefinePlugin you can make process.env.NODE_ENV available to the browser

/* ==================================== */

const settings = {
  default: {
    '*': true,
    '': false,
    '*': false,
  production: {
    'veryImportantLib:veryImportantLogs': true,

configureDebugger(settings, undefined); // default settings will be applied

/* ====================================== */

const settings = {
  '*': true,
  '': false,
  '*': false,

configureDebugger(settings); // just settings object will be applied when environment is not provided

This will create configuration string and save it in localStorage. You will need to reload the page for changes to take effect.

Additional logger functionality

import createLogger from 'debug-composer';
const logger = createLogger('yourNamespace');

// measure time - method 1 - measuring code executed once, or large part of the code
logger.time('someName', true); // second param indicates if current time should be logged to console (as yourNamespace:performance). Optional, defaults to false.
let timeInMiliseconds = logger.timeEnd('someName', true); // second param indicates if measured time should be logged to console (as yourNamespace:performance). Optional, defaults to true.

// measure time - method 2 - measuring code executed 10000 times
timeInMiliseconds = logger.testPerformance(() => {
  // here goes code to test
}, 10000, false); // third param indicates if time should be logged to console (as yourNamespace:performance)

// get stacktrace
logger.debug(logger.stacktrace()); // array of strings
logger.debug(logger.stacktrace(true)); // array of objects