
Web app to interact with a deck of cards


Deck of Cards

Table of Contents


This is a simple web app allowing a magician to perform magic tricks. They can shuffle, draw and sort cards.

The app is mainly a React frontend supported by a minimal Node.js Express server backend.

To aid development and ensure quality, we:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Download Node.js v8 or above


Clone the repo

git clone [email protected]:rwalle61/deck-of-cards.git

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the app

npm run build

npm start

The app will be running at http://localhost:9100.

Alternatively, you can run npm start from

  • /server to start only the server
  • /client to start only the client

Run the app in development mode

Run npm run start:dev from the root directory to start both the client and server in 'hot-restart' mode. Editing the client code will restart the client; editing the server code will restart the server

The client app will be running at http://localhost:42000.

The server will be running at http://localhost:9100.

Running the Tests

All tests

npm run test:full

Run this from the root directory to run integration and component tests for both the client and server.

End-to-end tests

We use Cypress to perform client-server integration tests. Cypress manipulates our client, checking that calling the server's API renders the correct components.

If the app is already running, run these tests via the following command:

# With Cypress UI
npm run cypress:open

# Without Cypress UI, in command line
npm run cypress:run

If the app is not already running, use the following command to start the app, run the integration tests, then clean up:

npm run test:integration

Component tests

These do not require the app to be running.


We use Jest to test that the client's components render correctly.

cd client

# Run all component tests

# Run all component tests in watch mode
jest --watch


We use Mocha to test our server's APIs.

cd server

# Run all API tests
npm test

# Run all API tests and generate coverage report
npm run test:coverage

Deploying the app

To IBM Cloud Foundry

  1. Set up your IBM Cloud Foundry account.
  2. In client/config/index.js, set the cloud config to your Cloud Foundry address.
  3. Deploy using npm run deploy:cloud then update using npm run deploy:cloud:update
