
JS multi-line literal done right


@qnighy/dedent: JS multi-line literal done right

import { dedent } from "@qnighy/dedent";

const mdDoc = dedent`\
  ## Hello!

  - Plants
    - Apples
    - Oranges
  - Animals
    - Dogs
    - Cats

Simple, yet expressive

The dedent function does only one thing: it removes indentation as it appears in the source code in a template literal.

Therefore the result is easily predictable. Additionally, you can express any text using the dedent function.

import { dedent } from "@qnighy/dedent";

// End-of-line at the end
const eol = dedent`\
// No end-of-line at the end
const noEol = dedent`\

// With all lines indented
const withIndent = dedent`\
    This line is the 1st line. It has 2 spaces of indentation.
    This line is the 2nd line. It has 2 spaces of indentation.

Tagged literal

Tagged literals are also supported. You can write

import { dedent } from "@qnighy/dedent";

const text = dedent(myTag)`\


const text = myTag`\

which is often equivalent to:

const text = myTag`foo

With or without code transformation

You do not need to configure Babel or SWC or whatever to use @qnighy/dedent. Simply import the function and you are ready to use it.

Though you can use @qnighy/babel-plugin-dedent or @qnighy/swc-plugin-dedent if you need optimization.


(NOTE: not released yet)

yarn add -D @qnighy/dedent
# OR:
npm install -D @qnighy/dedent

Detailed rules

Indenting some lines in the indented text

Indentation is determined based on the longest common indentation among lines. Therefore, you can have some lines indented among other lines.

const text = dedent`\
  non-indented line
    indented line

The first line

It does not remove indentation of the first line, as it is always preceded by a backtick `. Remember that the library removes indentation as it appears in the source code.

const text = dedent`  indented line
  non-indented line

That is why we recommend putting a backslash \ immediately after the backtick `, like this:

const text = dedent`\
  the above backslash (\\)
  tells JS to join the lines.


Spaces and tabs are counted equally. The result would be unpredictable should you mix spaces and tabs.

Lines containing only spaces and tabs

Lines containing only spaces and tabs are considered to have infinity number of indentation.

If they are shorter than the inferred indentation, they become empty. Otherwise, there remain some spaces or tabs.

const text = dedent`\
  1st line

  3rd line. The above line is empty.

The closing backtick ` is not accounted for in this rule. Therefore, in the example above, last line is considered to be empty.

Escapes and interpolations

This library removes indentation as it appears in the source code. Therefore, escapes and interpolations are both considered to be non-space elements.

const text = dedent`\
  \x20 <- This is a non-space element
  ${" "} <- This is a non-space element too

However, indentation within interpolated expressions are excluded from this rule, as we cannot reliably know the indentation there.

// prettier-ignore
const text = dedent`\
"Indentation is still removed"

This is the only exception to the aforementioned rule.

Newline characters

There are three types of newline in JS:

  • LF (\n)
  • LS (\u2028)
  • PS (\u2029)

They all start new lines. Note that CR (\r) and CRLF (\r\n) in the source text are automatically converted to LF (\n) before parsing, thus the library cannot distinguish between LF, CR, and CRLF.
