
Send deep nested JSON-encoded objects from HTML forms

MIT License


Send deep nested JSON-encoded objects from HTML forms, in a single function call. Check it out on npm!


In the browser:

Include the script from a node CDN such as jsdelivr:

<script src="[email protected]/deepforms.min.js"></script>

As an Express middleware:

run npm install deepforms in your package and place require("deepforms") in your node script.


  • Allows forms to be sent as JSON strings representing deep objects
  • Aggregates data from form fields that share a name attribute into a list
  • Can be imported as an express middleware in node.js to parse the sent JSON
  • Submits form data with the same method, action, target, etc as the original form, with no extra code required


When imported as a frontend JS library:


Arguments : The id of the form element to be submitted.

Submits the form as a deep nested JSON string containing the form data.

When imported as a Node.js module:

parser(req, res, next)

Arguments: request object, response object, next function in middleware chain

Express middleware that parses the deep form JSON string from req.body.deepFormJSON, if it exists, and places the parsed object in req.deepFormData.


Sending Forms

A form can be sent as a deep form by invoking window.deepforms.submitDeepForm(). Deep form data will be submitted as a single key "deepFormJSON" mapped to a JSON string containing the deep object.

Field names

Form field names can be written using '.' syntax to represent layers of nesting in an object. For example:

<input type="text" name="" value="testUser">

will be entered into the form object as:

deepFormObject["user"]["name"] = "testUser";

Multiple fields sharing the same name

If multiple fields in the form share a name, then their values will be parsed as a list:

<input type="text" name="color" value="blue">
<input type="text" name="color" value="red">

will be entered into the form object as:

deepFormObject["color"] = ["blue", "red"];


In order to submit a form as a deep form, invoke submitDeepForm as follows:

<form id="exampleForm" method="POST" action="/submitForm">
    <input type="text" name="" value="testUser">
    <input type="text" name="color" value="blue">
    <input type="text" name="color" value="red">
<button onclick="document.deepforms.submitDeepForm('exampleForm')">

Clicking the button will cause the form to be parsed as an object:

    "user" : {
        "name" : "testUser"
    "color" : ["blue", "red"]

and sent as a JSON string to the "/submitForm" route. Deep form data is always sent as a key/value pair with the key "deepFormJSON" and the JSON string as the value. The example above would be sent as:

deepFormJSON : '{"user":{"name":"testUser"},"color":["blue","red"]}}'


When you call submitDeepForm from an element's onclick event, make sure that the element is either:

  • Not contained within the form.
  • Has its type field set to something other than "submit".

Button elements inside forms will default to type="submit", causing them to submit the form normally, rather than through the library function.

Parsing Forms

Form data is always sent as the following key/value pair:

deepFormJSON = <JSON string containing form data>

Express Middleware

Importing deepforms as a Node.js module exposes the parser middleware, which can be used in Express servers:

const express = require("express")
const deepforms = require("deepforms")

const app = express()


When the deep form parser is set as an Express middleware, any deep form sent to the server will be automatically parsed as an object and placed in req.deepFormData.

With the earlier example of = "testUser" and color = ["blue", "red"], the parser would cause req to contain the following:

req.deepFormData == {
    "user" : {
        "name" : "testUser"
    "color" : ["blue", "red"]

Parsing the JSON directly

The JSON string can be found in the deepFormJSON field of the request body (or URL parameter if a GET request is sent). It can be simply parsed through JSON.parse:

const deepFormData = JSON.parse(req.body.deepFormJSON)


deepforms is created and maintained by Rory Brown