

Demo application for nativescript-tailwind

The changes compared to a fresh app created with vue init:

  • Installed deps: npm i postcss postcss-loader tailwindcss nativescript-tailwind --save-dev
  • Added tailwind.config.js with npx tailwindcss init + added the purge option manually
  • Added postcss.config.js
  • Edited app.css to include tailwind components and utilities. (base is not used in NativeScript, so it's left out from the css)
  • Added 'postcss-loader' to all css rules in webpack.config.js

To enable purge when building for production, NODE_ENV must be set to production, for example

$ NODE_ENV=production tns build android --production --...


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Preview on device
tns preview

# Build, watch for changes and run the application
tns run

# Build, watch for changes and debug the application
tns debug <platform>

# Build for production
tns build <platform> --env.production