

Example of Derived Async Task State with Tracked

Example of a simple @tracked async task util for derived async state.

The task util handles starting/reusing/cancelling the task when task state for input is requested, intended to be used on a getter that is rendered so the task state is tracked and the source of the derived input is tracked by autotracking when the getter is rendered.

Autotracking is only on during getting the state. The async task function itself should not access tracked state, but state that was derived from tracked state and passed in as input in the getter. The util can be provided an equals function for validating if the input is still good for the task and defaults to === to compare the new derived input to the existing task's input.

The util uses an AbortController signal for a cancellation token since it is useable with fetch but still general enough to be used as a cancellation token without fetch.

Start Example


  • git clone this repository
  • cd derived-task-state-example
  • yarn
  • yarn start

Open http://localhost:4200 and follow instructions on page.

Code of Interest