
📓 Consistent React unit testing with zero boilerplate!



describe-component is an easy-to-use React unit testing library that removes all your boilerplate code from your tests.

It codifies a pattern for unit testing using Enzyme so that your tests are all consistently written. With describe-component, anyone can read, understand, and change a unit test for a React component.

Here's what it looks like. This example is for Jest, but describe-component also works in Mocha, Jasmine, AVA, or any other test framework with beforeEach and afterEach.

import React from "react";
import describeComponent from "describe-component/jest";

const ColorableDiv = ({ color, children }) => (
  <div data-component-name="ColorableDiv" style={color ? { color } : undefined}>

describeComponent(ColorableDiv, ({ mountWrapper: colorableDiv, setProps }) => {
  it("renders a div", () => {

  it("sets the data-component-name attribute on that div to 'ColorableDiv'", () => {
      "data-component-name": "ColorableDiv",

  describe("with children", () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      setProps({ children: <span id="some-child" /> });

    it("passes its children to the div", () => {

  describe("with a color", () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      setProps({ color: "red" });

    it("sets the inline style of the div", () => {
        color: "red",

  describe("with no color", () => {
    it("sets no inline styles", () => {
      const style = colorableDiv().find("div").props().style;

Here's how it works:

  • You call describeComponent with a component class or function and a
  • Your callback is synchronously called with a set of helper functions.
  • In your callback, you use the setProps and clearProps helpers to set the
    props you want to render your component with.
  • In your callback, you call mountWrapper, shallowWrapper, or
    renderWrapper to use Enzyme's
    or render
    functions on the component you are testing, using the props you set earlier.


With yarn:

$ yarn add --dev describe-component

With npm:

$ npm install --save-dev describe-component

If you don't have them already, you will also need React and Enzyme installed. See the Enzyme installation instructions for info on how to install Enzyme.



describeComponent(Component, callbackFunction) => undefined

Creates a wrapping describe for the Component's display name, sets up a bunch of boilerplate, and calls back your callbackFunction.

// This...
describeComponent(FishCake, ({ mountWrapper: fishCake, setProps }) => {
  // Tests go here

// ... is roughly the same as this:
import { mount } from "enzyme";

describe("FishCake", () => {
  let props;
  let mountedFishCake;

  beforeEach(() => {
    props = {};
    mountedFishCake = undefined;

  afterEach(() => {
    if (mountedFishCake) {

  const setProps = (newProps) => {
    Object.assign(props, newProps);

  const fishCake = () => {
    if (!mountedFishCake) {
      mountedFishCake = mount(
        <FishCake {...props} />
    return mountedFishCake;

  // Tests go here

Your callbackFunction gets called with an object that has the following helper methods on it: mountWrapper, shallowWrapper, renderWrapper, setProps, clearProps, and props.


mountWrapper([enzymeOptions]) => ReactWrapper

A wrapper around Enzyme's mount that will mount your component (using the props set by setProps and clearProps), and return the ReactWrapper created by mount.

// This...
const card = mount(<PlayingCard kind="7" suit="CLUBS" />);

// ... is roughly the same as this:
describeComponent(PlayingCard, ({ mountWrapper, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ kind: "7", suit: "CLUBS" });
  const card = mountWrapper();

If present, the options passed into mountWrapper will be passed into Enzyme's mount as the second argument.

// This...
const card = mount(
  <PlayingCard kind="7" suit="CLUBS" />,
  { context: { kind: "bicycleBlue" } }

// ... is roughly the same as this:
describeComponent(PlayingCard, ({ mountWrapper, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ kind: "7", suit: "CLUBS" });
  const card = mountWrapper({ context: { kind: "bicycleBlue" } });

mountWrapper is memoized, so it will only call mount once per test, and subsequent calls will return the first ReactWrapper instance.

mountWrapper() === mountWrapper(); // true

This means that you can use mountWrapper as many times as you want without any performance penalty:


Usually when you use mountWrapper, you rename it so that its name matches the name of the component under test, but written in lowerCamelCase:

describeComponent(NailPolish, ({ mountWrapper: nailPolish, setProps }) => {
  it("uses its color prop as the background color for the .bottle-contents it renders", () => {
    setProps({ color: "firebrick" });

The ReactWrapper created by mountWrapper will be unmounted automatically after each test.


shallowWrapper([enzymeOptions]) => ShallowWrapper

A wrapper around Enzyme's shallow that will shallow-render your component (using the props set by setProps and clearProps), and return the ShallowWrapper created by shallow.

// This...
const flavor = shallow(
  <CupcakeFlavor sweetness={6} saltiness={2} name="Salted Caramel" />

// ... is roughly the same as this:
describeComponent(CupcakeFlavor, ({ shallowWrapper, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ sweetness: 6 saltiness: 2 name: "Salted Caramel" });
  const flavor = shallowWrapper();

If present, the options passed into shallowWrapper will be passed into Enzyme's shallow as the second argument.

// This...
const flavor = shallow(
  <CupcakeFlavor sweetness={6} saltiness={2} name="Salted Caramel" />,
  { context: { linerColor: "pink" } }

// ... is roughly the same as this:
describeComponent(CupcakeFlavor, ({ shallowWrapper, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ sweetness: 6 saltiness: 2 name: "Salted Caramel" });
  const flavor = shallowWrapper({ context: { linerColor: "pink" } });

shallowWrapper is memoized, so it will only call shallow once per test, and subsequent calls will return the first ShallowWrapper instance.

shallowWrapper() === shallowWrapper(); // true

This means that you can use shallowWrapper as many times as you want without any performance penalty:

expect(shallowWrapper().find(".healthiness").text()).toBe("very bad");
expect(shallowWrapper().find(".tastiness").text()).toBe("very good");

Usually when you use shallowWrapper, you rename it so that its name matches the name of the component under test, but written in lowerCamelCase:

describeComponent(PuffyCloud, ({ shallowWrapper: puffyCloud, setProps }) => {
  it("renders an img whose src is the cloud image that matches the provided shape", () => {
    setProps({ shape: "small puppy" });
    expect(puffyCloud().find("img").props().src).toBe(cloudImages["small puppy"]);

The ShallowWrapper created by shallowWrapper will be unmounted automatically after each test.


renderWrapper([enzymeOptions]) => CheerioWrapper

A wrapper around Enzyme's render that will render your component to static markup (using the props set by setProps and clearProps), and return the CheerioWrapper created by render.

// This...
const shades = render(
  <AwesomeSunglasses framesColor="black" lensesColor="indigo" />

// ... is roughly the same as this:
describeComponent(AwesomeSunglasses, ({ renderWrapper, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ framesColor: "black", lensesColor: "indigo" });
  const shades = renderWrapper();

If present, the options passed into renderWrapper will be passed into Enzyme's render as the second argument.

// This...
const shades = render(
  <AwesomeSunglasses framesColor="black" lensesColor="indigo" />,
  { context: { insuranceProvider: "Acme Insurance" } }

// ... is roughly the same as this:
describeComponent(AwesomeSunglasses, ({ renderWrapper, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ framesColor: "black", lensesColor: "indigo" });
  const shades = renderWrapper({ context: { insuranceProvider: "Acme Insurance" } });

Unlike mountWrapper and shallowWrapper, renderWrapper is NOT memoized, so it will call render every time you call renderWrapper.

renderWrapper() === renderWrapper(); // false

Usually when you use renderWrapper, you rename it so that its name matches the name of the component under test, but written in lowerCamelCase:

describeComponent(RockinGuitar, ({ shallowWrapper: rockinGuitar, setProps }) => {
  it("renders an audio element whose src is set based on the tone prop", () => {
    setProps({ tone: "squeedly-wow!" });


setProps(Object) => undefined

A function which sets the props to render the component with.

You call it with an object whose key/value pairs correspond to prop names and values:

setProps({ wantsShampoo: true, deluxeCut: false });
// The props are now wantsShampoo={true} deluxeCut={false}

Once you've called it, you can then use mountWrapper, shallowWrapper, or renderWrapper to render the component.

setProps({ hairstyle: "large and in charge" });

If you call it more than once, it does NOT replace the existing props; instead, it shallowly mixes the props you pass into the existing props, much like a React Component's setState method:

setProps({ pedicure: true });
setProps({ manicure: false });
// The props are now pedicure={true} manicure={false}

This behavior is useful when using nested describes to describe different states your component can be in as a result of the props it received:

describe("when `pedicure` is true", () => {
  beforeEach(() => setProps({ pedicure: true }));

  describe("and `manicure` is false", () => {
    beforeEach(() => setProps({ manicure: false }));

    it("has an expected appointment duration of 30 minutes", () => {
      // Your test goes here

If you want to clear all the props, use the clearProps function.

When using mountWrapper or shallowWrapper, you may only use setProps before the first time you call mountWrapper/shallowWrapper. If you try to use it after the component has rendered, an error will be thrown. If you want change the props of an already-mounted component, you should use the setProps method on the ReactWrapper/ShallowWrapper returned from mountWrapper/shallowWrapper instead:

// instead of this
setProps({ "here's": "some", new: "props" }); //  ERROR!

// do this
mountWrapper().setProps({ okay: "but", really: "though" }); // All good! 

The reason describe-component doesn't treat these two forms interchangeably is that changing the props of an already-rendered component will go through a different code path (componentWillReceiveProps) than setting the props for a component before mounting it (componentWillMount), so it's important not to mix up the two.

class EnthusiasticComponent extends React.Component {
  componentWillMount() {
    console.log("Time to mount! Here's my props:", this.props);

  componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    console.log("Already mounted! Receiving some new props, too:", nextProps);

describeComponent(EnthusiasticComponent, ({ mountWrapper: enthusiasticComponent, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ ice: "cream" });
  enthusiasticComponent(); // Time to mount! Here's my props: { ice: "cream" }
  enthusiasticComponent().setProps({ sand: "wich" }); // Already mounted! Receiving some new props, too: { ice: "cream", sand: "wich" }

However, when using renderWrapper, calling setProps after rendering is totally fine:

setProps({ please: "work" }); // Sure thing! 

The decision was made to allow this in this case because a CheerioWrapper has some significant differences when compared to a ReactWrapper or ShallowWrapper:

  • A CheerioWrapper contains static HTML markup, with no knowledge of React or
    component lifecycle methods. All your component instances go away once rendering
    is complete.
  • Because of this, a CheerioWrapper does not have a setProps method on it.

These differences would make a CheerioWrapper hard to work with if you were not allowed to call setProps after rendering one:

// Okay, I want to verify that this component has the same html when
// I give it the prop colors={["white", "gold"]} as when I give it
// colors={["blue", "black"]}.
describeComponent(ThatDress, ({ renderWrapper: thatDress, setProps }) => {
  setProps({ colors: ["white", "gold"] });
  const htmlWhenWhiteGold = thatDress().html();
  // If setProps wasn't allowed to be called here, there'd be no way to compare
  // to new props, because thatDress().setProps() doesn't exist when using
  // renderWrapper.
  setProps({ colors: ["blue", "black"] });
  const htmlWhenBlueBlack = thatDress().html();



clearProps() => undefined

A function which will clear all the props set by setProps.

setProps({ chunky: "bacon" });
// props is now chunky="bacon"
// props is now empty

The same rules apply to clearProps as they do to setProps: namely, you cannot call clearProps after mountWrapper or shallowWrapper have been called.


props() => Object

A function which will return the current props.

setProps({ one: "two" });
props(); // { one: "two" }
setProps({ three: "four" });
props(); // { one: "two", three: "four" }
setProps({ can: "I", have: "a", little: "more" });
props(); // { one: "two", three: "four", can: "I", have: "a", little: "more" }

This can be useful when you want to write an assertion that props got spread onto a rendered component without checking every single prop key and value:

const TheGreatDelegator = (props) => (
  <a href="" {...props}>
    No, YOU deal with this.

describeComponent(TheGreatDelegator, ({ mountWrapper: delegator, setProps }) => {
  it("sends all its props right on through to an anchor element", () => {
      "I've": "got",
      "99": "problems",
      "but": "a",
      "potty": "mouth",
      "ain't": "one",
    const anchor = delegator().find("a");

It can also be useful when you want to verify that a specific prop was threaded through to a rendered component, without saving the value of the prop in a variable:

const GoodLuckClickingThis = ({ onClick }) => (
  <div onClick={onClick} />

describeComponent(GoodLuckClickingThis, ({ mountWrapper: goodLuck, setProps }) => {
  // Instead of this:
  describe("when it receives an onClick prop", () => {
    let onClick = () => {};

    beforeEach(() => {
      setProps({ onClick });

    it("threads its onClick prop down to its rendered div", () => {
      const div = goodLuck().find("div");

  // You can do this:
  describe("when it receives an onClick prop", () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      setProps({ onClick: () => {} });

    it("threads its onClick prop down to its rendered div", () => {
      const div = goodLuck().find("div");

Usage (Test Runner Configuration)


import describeComponent from "describe-component/jest";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";

describeComponent(MyComponent, ({
  // It's common to use only one of mountWrapper, shallowWrapper, or
  // renderWrapper, and rename the one you use to match the name of
  // your component. In this example, we'll use mountWrapper
  mountWrapper: myComponent,
  // shallowWrapper,
  // renderWrapper,

  // Helpers that set the props for the component to be rendered with
  setProps, // Call with an object to merge into the props
  clearProps, // Call to clear the props

  props, // Returns the props that the component will be/was rendered with.
}) => {
  // Write your tests here

See also the Jest example.


import describeComponent from "describe-component/mocha";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";

describeComponent(MyComponent, ({
  // It's common to use only one of mountWrapper, shallowWrapper, or
  // renderWrapper, and rename the one you use to match the name of
  // your component. In this example, we'll use mountWrapper
  mountWrapper: myComponent,
  // shallowWrapper,
  // renderWrapper,

  // Helpers that set the props for the component to be rendered with
  setProps, // Call with an object to merge into the props
  clearProps, // Call to clear the props

  props, // Returns the props that the component will be/was rendered with.
}) => {
  // Write your tests here

See also the Mocha example.


import describeComponent from "describe-component/jasmine";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";

describeComponent(MyComponent, ({
  // It's common to use only one of mountWrapper, shallowWrapper, or
  // renderWrapper, and rename the one you use to match the name of
  // your component. In this example, we'll use mountWrapper
  mountWrapper: myComponent,
  // shallowWrapper,
  // renderWrapper,

  // Helpers that set the props for the component to be rendered with
  setProps, // Call with an object to merge into the props
  clearProps, // Call to clear the props

  props, // Returns the props that the component will be/was rendered with.
}) => {
  // Write your tests here

See also the Jasmine example.


import test from "ava";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";

const describeComponent = require("describe-component/ava")(test);

describeComponent(MyComponent, ({
  // It's common to use only one of mountWrapper, shallowWrapper, or
  // renderWrapper, and rename the one you use to match the name of
  // your component. In this example, we'll use mountWrapper
  mountWrapper: myComponent,
  // shallowWrapper,
  // renderWrapper,

  // Helpers that set the props for the component to be rendered with
  setProps, // Call with an object to merge into the props
  clearProps, // Call to clear the props

  props, // Returns the props that the component will be/was rendered with.
}) => {
  // Write your tests here

See also the AVA example.


// If your test runner isn't listed or supported yet, you can configure
// describe-component manually to work with it as long as it has support for
// beforeEach/afterEach hooks.
import makeDescribeComponent from "describe-component";
import MyComponent from "./MyComponent";

const describeComponent = makeDescribeComponent({
  // A function that works like jest/jasmine/mocha's `describe`; that is, it
  // declares a "context" about what you're testing. describeComponent will only
  // call it once (passing in the component's name).
  describe: global.describe,

  // A function that registers the callback it receives to be run before each
  // test in the `describe` block, like jest/jasmine/mocha's `beforeEach`.
  // describeComponent will only call it once, inside the callback it passes
  // to your `describe` function.
  beforeEach: global.beforeEach,

  // A function that registers the callback it receives to be run after each
  // test in the `describe` block, like jest/jasmine/mocha's `afterEach`.
  // describeComponent will only call it once, inside the callback it passes
  // to your `describe` function.
  afterEach: global.afterEach,

  // The name of the function a user can use to set up "before each" callbacks.
  // This is only used in error messages.
  beforeEachName: "beforeEach",

// Call describeComponent normally
describeComponent(MyComponent, ...);

See also the way it was done for AVA.
