
A web app to track article sources and crowdsource fact-checking

MIT License


DetHOAXicate - The Hoax Decompiler


Here is what the application looks like (still a prototype though) :

Welcome page

URL parsed + read mode

URL parsed + iframe (embedded) mode


Those are standards this application should tend to comply with

open graph

open graph article

dublin core

dublin core DC meta tags



Make sure you have npm ande node installed in the versions specified in the package.json file, field "engineStrict".

First, start with those commands

git clone
cd detHOAXicate
npm run init

Note: As the script npm run init aims to install babel-cli globally, you might run into trouble if your don't have right access. Try sudo npm run init instead if errors pop up.



npm start

From specific root

npm start -- --component=SourcesView

with SourcesView an example of a possible root component. Those are defined in app/isolated


npm test


Code style compliance with JS Standard Code Style can be tested with

npm run eslint



  • The UI framework used is cyclejs.
  • You should use the chrome extension for debugging purpose, and always have a graph of the app streams as a support to reason the app.


The project is configured to use xstream, very similar to RxJS but suits best for cyclejs.

  • Stream names must always end with a $.


Here is a set of rules to follow when you are writing Components. This guideline follows the Model View Intent architecture with some little arrangements.

  • A Component must always follow the Components conventions.
  • The main component function, i.e. the exported function must use up to 4 functions :
    • [optional] intent : (DOM) => sources This function represents the intentions of the user through interactions.
    • [optional] transform : (sources) => sources This function represents transformations applied to sources and intents to create new streams.
    • [mandatory for non static components] model : (sources) => stream$ This function turns sources to a unique stream which elements will be the input of the view function.
    • [mandatory] view : (data) => vnode This function eats data (elements of the state$ stream created with model) and outputs virtual dom elements.
  • If the Component is Composed of other components :
    • It should be isolated, see bellow
    • It should be defined in a file named index.js inside a folder holding its name
    • Its vdom$ children should only be composed with the depending Components
    • Depending Components that are specific to this component
      • should be defined in the same folder
      • don't need to be isolated
    • Depending Components that are not specific to this component should be defined in the generics folder
  • If the Component is not composed of other exclusive Components :
    • It should be defined in a file titled after its name, like AComponent.js
  • Any reusable Component
    • should be defined in the generics folder
    • should be isolated
Typical definition

A typicall Component function will look like following:

function MyComponent (sources) {
  const intents = intent(sources.DOM)
  const transformedSources = transform({ ...intents, ...sources })
  const state$ = model(transformedSources)
  const vdom$ = state$.map(view)
  return {
    DOM: vdom$,
    isOpen$: intents.buttonState$
Isolating a component
@import isolate from '@cycle/isolate'

// ...

function MyComponent (sources) {
  // Component definition
  return {
    DOM: vdom$,

* Component description, it is mandatory to provide sources and sinks fields
* @param sources
* @param sources.DOM - the DOM driver
* @return {{ DOM: stream, myComponentSink$: stream}}
export default (sources) => isolate(Component)(sources)

Eventually, you can add a scope param to be forwarded as the second isolate param. See the complete guide about isolation in the official doc.


Before any commit, you MUST :

  • Run a npm test command that succeed. The test command also run eslint to validate code style (compliance with JS Standard Code Style, see above badge.)
  • Describe the commit message in accordance with our .gitmessage template.
  • Never use -m option with git commit, otherwise the template will be missed.


POST api/parse

You can play with the API with postman when the app has launched locally, see below button.



Content-type : application/json

Body (json)

key type, (standard) description
url string, URL the url referring to the article to parse
depth integer A depth of 0 will only return information about the article itself. A depth of 1 will return the article information plus all the referred articles, ...etc



Content-type : application/json

Body (json)

The body is a single ArticleRepresentation object, see below

ArticleRepresentation object
key type, (standard) description
url string, URL the url referring to the article
parseSuccess boolean wether or not the url could be parsed
errorCode string | null, application error code The code of the encountered error. Available exactly when parseSuccess === false
sourcesCandidates [ArticleRepresentation] | null an array of the referred, externals articles candidates. Note that depending on the depth request parameter, this field might or might not be null.
metaInfo ArticleMetaInfo a set of meta info about the article, see below
sanitizedArticleHtml string, DOM formatted The sanitized, readability version of the article. Only available for the root ArticleRepresentation element
standardsCompliance StandardsCompliance information about the level of compliance with web standards, see below
socialLinks [string, URL] An array of social media links embedded in this article
internalArticleCandidates [string, URL] An array of probable articles URL referred inside the website
ArticleMetaInfo object
  • This object contains information extracted from <meta> tags within the <head> of the html page.
  • All the above fields are optional, as their is no guaranty the media complies with certain standards.
  • When a field is provided, it has been validated to comply with both standard and type listed in the table bellow.
  • Read the STANDARD_META_MAPPINGS annexe for more details about the meta info extraction.
key type, (standard) description
title string the title of the article
description string the description of the article
authors [string] the authors of the article
provider string
image string the url that points to the main poster of the article
ogType string the open graph type, if available (article, blog)
section string the section of the website the article belongs to
publishedTime string, ISO 8601 A Date or DateTime representing when the article was published
modifiedTime string, ISO 8601 A Date or DateTime representing when the article was last modified
locale string, RFC 5646 1 the language this article is written in
tags string An array of keywords relevant to the article

1 web standards expressed by order of selection (higher order means it will prevail over concurrent tags)

StandardsCompliance object

This object provides information about the level of compliance with different standards related to article publication. Among those standards, Schema/Article and Open Graph. The level of compliance with standards can give some hints about the degree of trustability of the information provider, although it should never be a unique criterion.

key type: description

Not yet specified, falls back to an empty object {}


All http errors have a 4XX, 5XX status code and a Content-Type: text/plain formatted body.

status description
500 Internal server error
422 Wrong parameter
406 Wrong request body format

Miscellaneous useful tools list