
Self-signed certs for development


Dev Cert. Authority

Sometimes you need/want to run services locally with https. You can do this with self-signed certs, but it's annoying as you have to constantly force your browser to accept them, and if they're api services, sometimes ssl failures can cause ajax requests to confusingly fail.

This module makes it really easy to create your own certificate authority, and sign proper certificates using it.

Installation process (do this once)

To install the CA, you have to generate it's certificates, and install them in your OS.

  1. npm install -g dev-cert-authority - install the module globally with npm
  2. dev-cert-authority install - creates a cert in ~/.dev-cert-authority and tries to install it in your OS
  3. (If the auto-install failed, then manually follow the instructions to install the cert in your OS)

Generating a certificate for a domain

Say you want to run a service locally on the domain:, you need to do three things:

1. Configure /etc/hosts or similar, to point the domain to localhost

On OSX/linux this typically involves adding the following line to /etc/hosts

2. Generate a certificate

If you use the node module in step 3, you can skip this step as it will be created for you automatically.

In your terminal run dev-cert-authority generate to create a signed certificate for the domain

To create a wildcard cert for any subdomain of, use: dev-cert-authority generate \*

3. Use the certificate in your application

The app will now have created two files in the ~/.dev-cert-authority/hosts directory, which you can use in your application:

  • the .key key file
  • the .crt cert file

Depending on your server/http framework, you will use these files in different ways.

Note: you can use the paths/path command to get the location of the files in bash, for example: dev-cert-authority path key returns the location of the .key file for the domain


From node, you can require the node module, to load the certificates for you in a format that node's http server expects, for example:

// node's built in https server:

const https = require('https');
const tlsOptions = require('dev-cert-authority')('');

var server = https.createServer(tlsOptions);

// express:

const fs = require('fs');
const https = require('https');
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const tlsOptions = require('dev-cert-authority')('');

https.createServer(tlsOptions, app)

// hapi

'use strict';

const Hapi = require('hapi');
const tlsOptions = require('dev-cert-authority')('');

// Create a server with a host and port
const server = new Hapi.Server();
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 8000,
  tls: tlsOptions


The webpack-dev-server can be configured to use https using the --https, --key, --cert options. This can be combined with the paths command like so:

webpack-dev-server --https --key $(dev-cert-authority path key) --cert $(dev-cert-authority path cert)

IMPORTANT: Security Implications

Installing a self-signed CA cert at the OS level has a potential security implication - if someone was to get ahold of that CA cert, they could generate certs for real domains and use it to MITM you on real domains.


  • NEVER USE THIS IN PRODUCTION you should never be asking anyone else to install your CA certs, and the certs you generate should only be used for development.
  • Don't share your CA cert or domain certs with anybody else. There's no need to copy certs into repos for shared projects, as the dev-cert-authority commands will pick up each user's own certs.
  • Where possible, avoid generating certificates, and adding /etc/hosts entries for "real" domains. I would suggest using something like .test or .dev domains for development (though apparently google bought .dev, sigh).
