DevTV Written With Laravel

MIT License



Live Demo

DevTv is a laravel web application. DevTv is your Video Subscription Platform. Add unlimited videos, posts to your subscription site. Earn re-curring revenue and require users to subscribe to access premium content on your website. With DevTv you can create your own video website. You can add unlimited videos and posts to your site. You can choose to make videos available for free or only to your subscribers.

DevTv is a web application developed with Laravel 5.2.

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern

Some of the features of Laravel are a modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager, different ways for accessing relational databases, utilities that aid in application deployment and maintenance, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar


  • Mysql or Postgresql
  • PHP 5.4+
  • Laravel 5+
  • Command Line Tools
    •  Mac OS X: Xcode (or OS X 10.9+: xcode-select --install)
    •  Windows: Visual Studio
    •  Ubuntu /  Linux Mint: sudo apt-get install build-essential
    •  Fedora: sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools"
    •  OpenSUSE: sudo zypper install --type pattern devel_basis

Getting Started

Via Cloning The Repository:

# Get the project
git clone

# Change directory

# Rename env.example to .env and fill in all the keys and secrets and also generate a secure key for the app using `php artisan key:generate`

# Install Composer dependencies
composer install

# Run your migrations
php artisan migrate

php artisan serve

Obtaining API Keys

To use any of the included APIs or OAuth authentication methods, you will need to obtain appropriate credentials: Client ID, Client Secret, or API Key

  • Visit Facebook Developers
  • Click My Apps, then select *Add a New App from the dropdown menu
  • Select Website platform and enter a new name for your app
  • Click on the Create New Facebook App ID button
  • Choose a Category that best describes your app
  • Click on Create App ID button
  • In the upper right corner click on Skip Quick Star
  • Copy and paste App ID and App Secret keys into .env
  • Note: App ID is clientID, App Secret is clientSecret
  • Click on the Settings tab in the left nav, then click on + Add Platform
  • Select Website
  • Enter http://localhost:3000 under Site URL
    Note: After a successful sign in with Facebook, a user will be redirected back to home page with appended hash #_=_ in the URL. It is not a bug. See this Stack Overflow discussion for ways to handle it.
  • Go to
  • Sign up and confirm your account via the activation email
  • Then enter your SendGrid Username and Password into .env file

List of Packages

Package Description
socialite Sign-in with Facebook, Twitter and Github
laravel tinymce Tinymce Editor Library
stripe php Stripe library
laravel framework PHP web framework
laravel disqus Disqus library
carbon DateTime API Library
guzzlehttp Simplified HTTP Request library

Useful Tools and Resources

Laravel Eloquent Cheatsheet


Once you are ready to deploy your app, you will need to create an account with a cloud platform to host it. These are not the only choices, but they are my top picks. From my experience, Heroku is the easiest to get started with, deployments and custom domain support on free accounts.

1-Step Deployment with Heroku

  • Download and install Heroku Toolbelt
  • In terminal, run heroku login and enter your Heroku credentials
  • From your app directory run heroku create
  • Create a Procfile in your app root. All this file needs to contain is web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-nginx public if you prefer to use nginx. or web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2 public if you prefer to use Apache.
  • Run heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev to add a Postgres database to your heroku app from your terminal
  • Lastly, do git push heroku master. Done!
  • Run artisan commands on heroku like so heroku run php artisan migrate

Note: To install Heroku add-ons your account must be verified.

  • Login to Windows Azure Management Portal
  • Click the + NEW button on the bottom left of the portal
  • Click COMPUTE, then WEB APP, then QUICK CREATE
  • Enter a name for URL and select the datacenter REGION for your web site
  • Click on CREATE WEB APP button
  • Once the web site status changes to Running, click on the name of the web site to access the Dashboard
  • At the bottom right of the Quickstart page, select Set up a deployment from source control
  • Select Local Git repository from the list, and then click the arrow
  • To enable Git publishing, Azure will ask you to create a user name and password
  • Once the Git repository is ready, you will be presented with a GIT URL
  • Inside your DEV-TV directory, run git remote add azure [Azure Git URL]
  • To push your changes simply run git push azure master
  • Note: You will be prompted for the password you created earlier
  • On Deployments tab of your Windows Azure Web App, you will see the deployment history

Note: Alternative directions, including how to setup the project with a DevOps pipeline are available at A longer version of these instructions with screenshots is available at Also, be sure to check out the Jump-start your hackathon efforts with DevOps Services and Bluemix video.


Thank you for considering contributing to Dev-TV

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Dev-TV, please send an e-mail to Ayeni Olusegun at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

How can I thank you?

Why not star the github repo? I'd love the attention! Why not share the link for this repository on Twitter or HackerNews? Spread the word!

Don't forget to follow me on twitter!

Thanks! Ayeni Olusegun.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.