
Node application which provides API endpoints using express to perform alteration, mutation, and querying.


Dgraph NodeJS Example


This project is an example project for Dgraph-js. There are 2 nodes - User node and Company node with edges works.for and connection.

Getting started

Using Docker Compose, we can quickly get started.

# Cloning the repository
git clone https://github.com/prashant-shahi/dgraph-nodejs-example

# Changing the directory
cd dgraph-nodejs-example

# (Optional) You can skip image building by pulling the image from DockerHub
docker-compose pull

# Building needed images and running those containers
docker-compose up


API Functionality Remarks
/ Checking server status Returns status success with the response server up, if server is successfully up.
/clear Clears all the data present in Dgraph With no data present, schema automatically clears off.
/load-data Loads the sample data in Dgraph Clears data, alters the schema, and, perform mutation to add the sample data.
/query Querying for data in Dgraph Existing child nodes to one level nested ones are also included.


Result data of /query API endpoint

Ratel UI for query