
Natural 20 dice roller web app

MIT License


Natural 20

A dice roller web app.

CLI Commands

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# test the production build locally
npm run firebase:serve

# deploy the production build to firebase
npm run firebase:deploy

# run tests with jest and preact-render-spy 
npm run test


  • better design (nat20 logo, dice, buttons)
  • add WIP settings (mostly empty, with current version and next planned features)
  • add tutorial (under settings page). Somehow give the user the chance of viewing it on the first visit. (localstorage)
  • "add to home" prompt after using / in settings
  • bug tray flashes when re-rolling the die.
  • get theme colors right, and update meta header and package.json (and favicons if necessary), refresh crawlers

Nice to have

  • update to latest preact cli / preact x
    • review preact config and sw
    • review html template
    • add CSS/JS preload
  • better rolling options (collapsing drawer):
    • move adv / disadv under those options
    • reroll nat 1s
    • crit threshold (default is 20)
    • fixed modifier
  • options page:
    • group dice by type when showing results
    • change colors
    • create dice presets (refactor model behind default dice: each dice / preset is actually an array of dice)
    • choose what dice to show/hide in the roll page (inclusing dice presets)
  • desktop styles (drawer, stats grid...)
  • explore haptics on buttons (e.g die button, roll button..)
  • animaiton to remove results of a roll before showing a new one