
This is a webdriver io project



This is a boilerplate project that uses WebdriverIO v6 and TypeScript v3. This project is useful not only as an example of WebdriverIO v6 and TypeScript playing nicely together, but it includes examples of the PageObject pattern and some practical examples for using WebdriverIO to build an automated test suite with Mocha & Chai.

Why TypeScript

TypeScript offers the benefit of types, but you won't find them in this project. I have found TypeScript to be great because of the IDE intellisense and support for the latest JavaScript features:

You no longer need to explicitly compile your TypeScript to JavaScript using the command tsc. This project uses ts-node/register and tsconfig-paths as detailed on the WebdriverIO TypeScript setup page.

Page Objects

Page Objects are a really nifty abstraction for the UI elements that you interact with in your tests. You can create simple getter functions for each element that you need to access. And optionally you can create convenience methods like loginWithCredentials() that allow you to write more concise tests.

import BasePage from 'src/pages/BasePage';

class LoginPage extends BasePage {

    get username() {
        return $('#username');

    get password() {
        return $('#password');

    get submit() {
        return $('#login > button');

    loginWithCredentials(username, password) {

export default new LoginPage();
import {expect} from 'chai';
import LoginPage from 'src/pages/LogInPage';

describe('Login page', () => {
    it('should allow access with correct credentials', () => {
        LoginPage.loginWithCredentials('tomsmith', 'SuperSecretPassword!');
        expect(LoginPage.flash).to.include('You logged into a secure area!');