
Loop a video forever

OTHER License



Turn any HLS video into an endless loop so you can test live streaming in the browser without running any infrastructure.

If you're testing or demoing something that needs a live stream in a web browser, looper transforms an HLS video into a never-ending loop through the magic of Service Workers. Show off live experiences without the hassle and cost of running a 24/7 live service.

Installation and Usage

Looper is packaged as a Javascript module and available through npm:

npm install @dmlap/looper

There are two steps to transform your video into a live stream from here: installing the Service Worker and then registering it inside your page.

Service Workers must be served from the same domain and be at least as high up in the path as the video you're streaming. So if the video you're looping is at https://example.com/movies/example.m3u8, loop-worker.mjs could be loaded from https://example.com/loop-worker.mjs or https://example.com/movies/loop-worker.mjs. If you want to keep things simple, just drop it at the root of your domain.

Then, import looper.mjs into the code running on your page or include it directly as a script element:

<script type="module" src="looper.mjs"></script>
<video src="example.m3u8" controls></video>


PRs accepted.

If you're making changes to looper and testing them with Safari, you may have to close every tab looper is loaded in to trigger a re-install of the ServiceWorker.


Apache 2