
A combat simulator for simple DnD encounters to calculate expected win probabilities.

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



This package provides an API to simulate simple DnD combat encounters and determine win ratios for the participating parties.


Install using npm

npm i dnd-combat-simulator


The API provides the following interfaces:

const dnd = require('dnd-combat-simulator');

let roll = dnd.dice(dice_type, modifier);
let combatant = new dnd.Combatant(id, hp, ac, initiative, attack_bonus, damage, dmg_dice, dmg_bonus);
let attack = new dnd.Attack(dice_type, dice_number, dmg_bonus);
let party = new dnd.Party();
let combat = new dnd.Combat();


This is a dice rolling utility function, which takes two parameters and an optional options object:

  • dice_type (number): number of sides on the dice
  • modifier (number): modifier is added to the result of the throw
  • options (object): following options are available:
    • advantage (number): if advantage is smaller than zero, two dice will be rolled and the lower roll will be used, if advantage is larger than zero, the higher roll will be used

In order to simulate rolling a d8+2 we call the function as follows:

let roll = dnd.dice(8, 2);


This parser can be used to quickly create combatants from data in a csv format. This function takes a single parameter:

  • csvline (string): the format for the csv line should follow this file


This is a constructor for creating combatant objects. It takes eight parameters:

  • id (string): a string identifier for the combatant, used for logging, does not need to be unique
  • hp (number): starting hit points
  • ac (number): armour class
  • initiative (number): bonus to the initiative roll
  • attack_bonus (number): bonus to the attack roll

The following three parameters are for the combatants first attack. All attacks are stored in combatant.attacks.

  • damage (number): type of dice to roll for damage
  • dmg_dice (number): number of dice to roll for damage
  • dmg_bonus (number): bonus to add to the damage roll


addAttack(attack) : undefined

Adds a new attack to the combatant. Details of the attack object.

addBuff(buff) : undefined

Adds a new temporary buff to the combatant. Details of the buff object.

checkBuffs() : undefined

Checks for expired buffs and removes them from the combatant. Is called by combat at the end of a combatants turn and is internally called by combatant before returning an isHit call.

tickBuffs() : undefined

Decrements the remaining time remaining for all active buffs. Is called at the beginning of a combatants turn each round.

addReaction() : undefined

Adds a reaction that can trigger once per round on being attacked. Details of the reaction object.

rollInitiative() : number

Rolls for initiative and returns the result.

attackRoll() : number

Rolls an attack roll and returns the result.

isHit(attackRoll) : boolean

Checks whether the passed in attack roll hits or not.

takeDamage(damageRoll) : undefined

Deals the damage passed in to the combatant.

isDead() : boolean

Checks whether the combatant is dead or not.

reset() : undefined

Resets the combatant to the pre-combat state.

stats.hp() : number

Returns the combatants current hit points taking any active buffs into consideration.

stats.ac() : number

Returns the combatants current armour class taking any active buffs into consideration.

stats.initiative() : number

Returns the combatants current initiative taking any active buffs into consideration.

stats.atk() : number

Returns the combatants current attack bonus taking any active buffs into consideration.


The attack constructor takes three parameters:

  • dice_type (number): type of dice to roll for damage
  • dice_number (number): number of dice to roll for damage
  • dmg_bonus (number): bonus to add to the damage roll


damageRoll() : number

Rolls for damage and returns the amount of damage dealt.


The buff constructor takes three parameters:

  • id (string): an identifier for the buff
  • time (number): the number of rounds this buff should stay active. Buffs with time equal to zero are removed either after an isHit check or at the end of a combatants turn.
  • bonus (object): the bonus(es) granted by the buff, the supported properties are:
    • ac (number)
    • initiative (number)
    • atk (number)


The Reaction constructor takes a trigger function as a parameter. This trigger function is called when checking if reaction is triggered before a hit is applied. The signature of this function must be as follows: triggerFunction(self, atkRoll) : boolean. It should contain the effect of the reaction (a buff maybe) and the return value should reflect whether or not the reaction was triggered.


The reactions object contains the following prepared trigger functions, which can be used to create reactions:

  • parry: parrying allows the combatant to raise their AC by 2 for one attack each round


The party object serves to group multiple combatants together, they will fight together and follow a common party strategy. The members of a party can be accessed through party.members.


addMember(combatant) : undefined

Adds a new combatant to the party, combatants are not required to be unique.

selectTarget(opponents) : combatant

According to party.combatStrategy a target is selected from the list of combatants. Any function that is a valid compare method taking two combatant objects can be used as a combat strategy. The party object has several pre-built available in party.combatStrategies.


The combat object is the core of the fight simulation.


addParty(party, id) : undefined

Adds a party with a string identifier to the combat. All parties are accessible in combat.parties.

initiateCombat(logger) : undefined

Rolls initiative for all combatants and sorts them into list accessible in combat.turnList. The logger parameter must be a function that takes a string, a typical candidate would be console.log.

runRound(logger) : undefined

Goes through all alive combatants and lets them make attacks. The logger parameter must be a function that takes a string, a typical candidate would be console.log.

runFight(logger) : list

Runs a whole fight and returns a list of the surviving combatants. The objects in the list have the following structure {party_id: string, combatant: combatant, roll: number}. The logger parameter must be a function that takes a string, a typical candidate would be console.log.

isFightOnGoing() : boolean

Checks whether the fight is still ongoing by checking whether there are still valid opponents left.

survivors() : list

Returns all survivors after a fight. The same as the output of combat.runFight(logger). Could also be used in between rounds.

reset() : undefined

Resets to the pre-combat state and allows the fight to be simulated from the beginning.

Example Usage