
Check to see if domain names are available using the DNSimple api.

MIT License


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Check to see if domain names are available using the DNSimple api.


Install globally with npm

$ npm install --global domains-cli


When running the first time, provide an authentication token from dnsimple. This will be saved for later runs.

$ domains example --token XXXXXXXXXXXX

Specify the hostname of the domains that you want to check. Leave off the tld so the domain can be checked against multiple tlds at once:

$ domains example

By default, .com and .io are checked. If you want to specify the tlds to check, use the --tlds options and a comma separated list of tlds:

$ domains example --tlds com,io,net

You can try multiple domains too:

$ domains example foo bar baz --tlds com,io,net



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Please read the contributing guide for avice on opening issues, pull requests, and coding standards.

Building docs

(This document was generated by verb-generate-readme (a verb generator), please don't edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in

To generate the readme and API documentation with verb:

$ npm install -g verb verb-generate-readme && verb

Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

$ npm install -d && npm test


Brian Woodward


Copyright © 2017, Brian Woodward. Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.3.0, on January 12, 2017.