
Send repository and workflow dispatches with ease

MIT License



This is a utility for sending repository dispatch and workflow dispatch events to GitHub repositories.


This tool attempts to allow you to dispatch events quickly with as little typing as possible, provided you've got your environment set up for it:

  • You can avoid passing a GitHub token manually by setting a GITHUB_TOKEN
    environment variable.
  • You can avoid passing a GitHub repository by having a git remote called
    "origin" in your .git/config that points to a GitHub repository
  • By default, dpx attempts to parse values as JSON (pass --raw to avoid this)
  • The presence of the -w/--workflow flag indicates dpx should send a
    workflow dispatch event instead of a repository dispatch event.
# Send a "test" repo dispatch event.
> npx dpx test

# Send a "deploy" repo dispatch event with a payload `{"branch": "main"}`.
> npx dpx deploy branch=main

# Send a "db-migrate" repo dispatch event with a payload `{"direction": "up", "count": 1}`
> npx dpx db-migrate direction=up count=1

# Send a "db-migrate" repo dispatch event with a payload `{"direction": "up", "count": "1"}`
> npx dpx --raw db-migrate direction=up count=1

# Trigger the "test.yml" workflow on the "dev" branch with the payload `{"fast": "true"}`
> npx dpx -w test.yml -f dev fast=true

Flags & Arguments

  • -r/--repo A name-with-owner string (as in jclem/dpx) pointing to the
    repository for the dispatch to be sent to
  • -t/--token A GitHub personal access token with repo scope
  • -v/--version Display the version of dpx
  • --raw Do not parse values in key=value pairs
  • -d/--dry-run Log event type and payload, but don't send a request
  • -h/--help Display the help message
  • -w/--workflow The workflow to use for a workflow dispatch event
  • -f/--ref The ref to run from for a workflow dispatch event (defaults to the default branch of the repository)
  • $event The first non-flag argument is interpreted as the event for repository dispatches
  • $key=$value Any number of key-value pairs that are parsed and sent as a
    JSON object as the event payload


In the GitHub ecosystem, a repository dispatch event is an event sent to a particular GitHub repository by a user, app, or tool with an arbitrary type and JSON payload. A workflow dispatch is an event that triggers a single workflow with a predefined set of inputs.

Since GitHub Actions allows workflows to be kicked off by these events, this flexibility makes repository and workflow dispatches a powerful tool for automating many day-to-day async tasks, such as app deployments, building and packaging, and many other use cases.