
Draggable provider

MIT License



Make any element draggable. Demo.

import Draggable from 'draggy';

//make an element draggable
var el = document.querySelector('.my-element');
var draggy = new Draggable(el, {
	release: true,
	sniper: false,
	axis: 'x'

//bind event handler
draggy.on('drag', function () {
	// ...


Parameter Default Description
axis null Restrict movement by axis: 'x', 'y' or null.
pin [0,0, selfWidth, selfHeight] Defines a smaller area within the draggable element that stays within movement limits. Useful to restrict movement based on an inner shape rather than the full element.
precision 1 Round position to that extent, in pixels.
css3 true Use position vs translate3d to place element. The first is more precise and reliable, the second is faster.
release false Continue movement when user releases drag.
repeat false Loop movement by one of axis: 'x', 'y' or 'both'.
sniper true Slow down movement by pressing Ctrl/Cmd.
threshold 0 A movement threshold required to start drag - whether an array, number or function.
within document Restrict movement within the container. Pass 'parent' to use parent node.
handle self.element Use element or selector as a handle for drag. Clicking outside the handle is ignored.
cancel undefined Ignore dragging started on the elements matching the selector.
droppable undefined Selector, element or list of elements to detect droppable areas. For each drop element will be invoked drop, dragover and dragout events.


Name Description
dragstart Drag started. Called both on element/controller.
threshold Entered threshold mode. Called on controller.
drag Drag iteration. Called both on element/controller.
track Track movement. Called on controller.
release User released drag. Called on controller.
dragend Drag has completely finished. Called both on element/controller.
dragover Called on self and on drop target.
dragout Called on self and on drop target.
drop Called on self and on drop target.

What draggy is not

  • It doesn’t do ghost move, as it is not draggable behavior and can be implemented externally.
  • It doesn’t do mouse hiding on drag, as it can be done via callbacks.
  • It doesn’t init itself automatically - it's up to you to decide when to create/init draggable.
  • It doesn’t polyfill native draggable, as it targets to complete simple task of visual placement of element.

