
Light Javascript date and time utilities (formatting, ranges e.t.c)

MIT License


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Dubium works both in the browser and with node.

For browser use, either host the dubium.js file yourself (By downloading the current release here) or use a CDN (and, yes, it's free):

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/dubium.min.js"></script>

As for NodeJS, it can be included like so:

const dubium = require("dubium");


// In this example, if the date is not passed in, we'll pretend it's currently
// Febuary 1, 1970 19:30:00 UTC.

// .format returns the current date and/or time in a formatted manor
dubium.format("DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss") // 01/02/1970 19:30:00
dubium.format("MM/DD/YYYY H:mm:ss a") // 02/01/1970 7:30:00 pm
dubium.format("DD/MMM/YY H:mm:ss A") // 01/Mar/70 7:30:00 PM
dubium.format("DD/MMMM/YY H:mm:ss A") // 01/March/70 7:30:00 PM

// You can also pass in a date to format:
dubium.format("DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss", 1554159037369); // 01/04/2019 23:50:37
dubium.format("DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss", "Fri, 02 Feb 1996 03:04:05 GMT"); // 02/02/1996 03:04:05

// You may unformat a string to get the epoch integer:
dubium.unformat("01/March/70 7:30:00 PM", "DD/MMMM/YY H:mm:ss A"); // 3163604400000

// You can get all the day value from a range of dates (inclusive of the ones being passed in)...
dubium.daysInRange(1554160761053, 1554333561053) // Array(3) [ 1554160761053, 1554247161053, 1554333561053 ]

// You can also get the range of the start of the week and end
dubium.getWeekRange() //Array [ 1554073200000, 1554677999999 ]
// Obviously you can pass an epoch value, too, if you want:
dubium.getWeekRange(3163604400000); // Array [ 3163446000000, 3161375999999 ]

// And, yeah, that's pretty much it... 
// These functions will be improved and added upon soon, too.


Tested the speed of formatting and unformatting in Chrome 75 on Windows 10.

See it for yourself here on jsPerf.

Library Ops/sec
Dubium 197,278
DayJS 108,859
MomentJS 56,163


Building dubium for browser:

npm run build