

Easy PBKDF2 for node.js

Easy PBKDF2 makes it easier to create secure, individually salted, password hashes using PBKDF2.

This implementation is based on StackExchange's own Open Sourced PBKDF2 methods.


via cmd line:

$ npm install easy-pbkdf2 --save

or in your package.json:

"dependencies": {
    "easy-pbkdf2": "0.x.x"


var easyPbkdf2 = require("easy-pbkdf2")();
var salt = easyPbkdf2.generateSalt(); // `salt` should be treated as opaque, as it captures iterations
var password = "RandomDigits";
easyPbkdf2.secureHash( password, salt, function( err, passwordHash, originalSalt ) {
    // use your own db's methods to save the hashed password AND salt.
        // The Base64 encoded hash, 344 characters long
        "password_hash": passwordHash,
        // Salt length varies based on SALT_SIZE and iterations. The default SALT_SIZE of
        // 32 produces a value that is:
        // (hashIterations.toString(16).length) + 1 + base64EncodedSalt.length)
        // characters long (42 characters).
        "salt": originalSalt // === salt

// ...

// sometime later:
function authenticate( user, userEnteredPassword, callback ) {
	// make sure the user-entered password is equal to the previously
    // created hash when hashed with the same salt.
    easyPbkdf2.verify( user.salt, user.password_hash, userEnteredPassword, function( err, valid ) {
        callback( valid );

You can also use EasyPbkdf2 to generate the salt for you by omitting the salt parameter:

easyPbkdf2.secureHash( password, function( err, passwordHash, newSalt ) {
    // save newSalt somewhere!

To create a new instance of EasyPbkdf2:

    var easyPbkdf2 = require("easy-pbkdf2")();

You can also use the following methods of instantiation:

// the EasyPbkdf2 constructor
var EasyPbkdf2 = require("easy-pbkdf2"),

easyPbkdf2 = EasyPbkdf2(options);
easyPbkdf2 = new EasyPbkdf2(options);
easyPbkdf2 = EasyPbkdf2.EasyPbkdf2(options);
easyPbkdf2 = new EasyPbkdf2.EasyPbkdf2(options);

of which all will return an EasyPbkdf2 instance with options set.


 var options = {
    // default DEFAULT_HASH_ITERATIONS is 512
    // default SALT_SIZE is 32
    "SALT_SIZE": 16,
    // default KEY_LENGTH is 256
    "KEY_LENGTH": 128,
    // default MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH is 4096 characters

var easyPbkdf2 = new EasyPbkdf2(options);
console.log(easyPbkdf2.DEFAULT_HASH_ITERATIONS) // 256
console.log(easyPbkdf2.SALT_SIZE); // 16
console.log(easyPbkdf2.KEY_LENGTH); // 128
console.log(easyPbkdf2.MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH); // 2048

// options are applied to each instance individually.
console.log( (new EasyPbkdf2()).DEFAULT_HASH_ITERATIONS ); // 512


###weakHash( value )

Cranks out a collision resistant hash, relatively quickly. Not suitable for passwords, or sensitive information. Synchronous only


  • value: String or Object. Base64 encoded SHA-1 hash of value


  • A string; Base64 encoded SHA-1 hash of value

###random( bytes, callback )

Universal random provider. Generates cryptographically strong pseudo-random data. Syncronous or Asyncronous


  • bytes: Number. The number of bytes to return.
  • callback: Function. The callback to call for async operation (optional)


  • A SlowBuffer; A buffer containing therandom bytes. (optional)

###generateSalt( explicitIterations, callback )

Convenience wrapper around .random to grab a new salt value. Treat this value as opaque, as it captures iterations.

Salt length varies based on SALT_SIZE and iterations. The default SALT_SIZE of 32 produces a value that is: (hashIterations.toString(16).length) + 1 + base64EncodedSalt.length) characters long (42 characters).

Synchronous or Asynchronous


  • explicitIterations: Number. An integer (optional)
  • callback: Function. (optional)


  • A String. Return iterations and salt together as one string ({hex-iterations}.{base64-salt}) (optional)

###secureHash( value, salt, callback )

Alias for hash.

###hash( value, salt, callback )

Backs Secure hashes. Uses PBKDF2 internally, as implemented by node's native crypto library. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PBKDF2 and http://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/ for more information. Asynchronous only


  • value: String. The plaintext value/password you want to hash.
  • salt: String. salt (should include iterations). Automatically created if omitted. (optional)
  • callback: Function. fn( {Error} err, {String} A secure hash (base64 encoded), {String} the original or newly created salt ).

###verify( salt, priorHash, value, callback )

Verifies that the supplied plaintext value hashes to the same base64 encoded string as the priorHash, when hashed with the same salt. This method uses a constant-time string equality check to ensure information is not leaked via timing-attack. Asynchronous only


  • salt: String. salt (should include iterations).
  • priorHash: String. A secure hash (base64 encoded).
  • value: String. The plaintext value/password you want to verify.
  • callback: Function. fn( {Error} err, {Boolean} True if the value matches the priorHash, false if not. ).


Please file them here: https://github.com/davidmurdoch/easy-pbkdf2/issues.

And remember: pull requests are very welcome. :-)

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