
Email-based user interface

EPL-1.0 License


EBUI is an Email-Based User Interface

EBUI is an Email-Based User Interface for business applications. It acts as a transactional email front-end to any application that implements a Kirra-compliant REST API.

Try it!

You can try EBUI against a Cloudfier example application named Ship-it!, a simple issue tracking application.

The EBUI test instance is no longer running.

Creating an issue

Note: At this time, your email and name will be collected by the application and be available as application data to any user accessing the application.

Send an email like this:

To: [email protected]

Subject: allow reporting issues via email


Project: Cloudfier issues
Reporter: [email protected]

When I send an email, an issue should be automatically created. Just like this one I am sending now. 
The subject should become the summary, and this text should become the description.

After a while (1 minute), you should get a confirmation message:

This is an automated response to your message to [email protected]

Message successfully processed. Object was created.

Summary: allow reporting issues via email
Issue Id: 60
Issue Key: CLD-60
Reported On: 2014-09-09T00:00Z
Severity: Normal
Status: Open
Waiting For: 1 day(s)
When I send an email, an issue should be automatically created. Just like
this one I am sending now.

The subject should become the summary, and this text should become the
description. Please?


Use this link to edit it:


Updating an issue

Reply to the creation confirmation message with these contents:

severity: Enhancement
labels: bountyavailable

We will be happy to take a community contribution for this one.
Just let me know.

BTW, this is a feature request. Changing severity.

which will change the severity to Enhancement, link to an existing label "bountyavailable" and add a child Comment instance to the Issue instance.

Generating a report

This example is against a different application, an expense tracking app (described here).

Send an email like this:

To: expense-report.demo-cloudfier-examples-expenses@inbox.cloudfier.com

Subject: find expenses by category


category: Meal

After a while, you should get the report, which currently is a concatenation of the user-friendly representation of each instance matching the query:

This is an automated response to your message to

Record(s) found: 2


Moniker: Lunch in LA on 2012/09/14
Description: Lunch in LA
Status: Submitted
Amount: 35.75
Date: 2012-09-14T00:00Z
Expense Id: 20
Automatic Approval: true
Days Processed: 0
Category: Meal
Employee: Camille Jouel

Use this link to view it:



Moniker: Lunch at subway on 2012/09/13
Description: Lunch at subway
Status: Rejected
Amount: 20.5
Date: 2012-09-13T00:00Z
Expense Id: 26
Automatic Approval: true
Days Processed: 0
Category: Meal
Employee: John Ford

Use this link to view it:



This is still an experiment. What is working:

  • can create a new business entity instance
  • on creation, subject and body fill in for missing required string/memo properties)
  • can update an existing business entity instance
  • on update, body will result in a new instance of a comment-like child entity (an entity with a memo field and no other required fields) to be created
  • can invoke actions with or without arguments
  • can refer (link) to instances of related entities using their shorthand

Interested? Can you see yourself using this? Please join by contributing code, bugs, feature requests etc.

How does it work?

Entity inboxes

Each (top-level) business entity has a corresponding email inbox:

  • ticket-<application>@<domain>...
  • expense-<application>@<domain>...
  • todo-<application>@<domain>...
  • ...

Instance creation

Whenever an email is sent to one of those entity inboxes, a new instance of that entity is created (if all required information is present in the message). The server replies with either a confirmation email where the from: address corresponds to the instance created, or an error message explaining why creation failed.

Replies to the instance creation thread

For childless entities, a user can perform an update to a business entity instance by replying to the email that was sent in response to an instance creation. For entities that aggregate a single kind of child entity that has a required Memo field, responses to the creation email are considered creation of instances of child objects.

Email body contents

Email body contents (the email text) map to the first Memo property in the corresponding entity.

Email attachments

Email attachments map to the first Blob property in the corresponding entity.

Setting properties

Properties can be set on creation or update using the following syntax in the body of an email:

Priority: High
Assignee: Jenniffer Strong
Fix for: v2.1.1
Thanks for your report. I was able to reproduce it locally, and agree it is a 
dangerous bug. We will fix it right away.

Invoking actions

Actions can be explicitly invoked on an object by using the following syntax:


which would send the "Done" message to the target object. If the action has parameters, the following syntax can be used:

  Reason: Expenses on entertainment are not reimbursable.

or (for passing a single argument): -- Reject: Expenses on entertainment are not reimbursable.

which would send the "Reject" message with the shown message as an argument for the 'reason' parameter.

User creation

An application user is created for the sender of the message if no existing user instance is found (if a user entity was not defined in the application, it results in an error). All actions are performed as that user. Note that all user data is available in the application with no access controls, so beware who you share your app with.

A note on sender authentication

From: addresses can be easily spoofed. There is no mechanism in EBUI yet for safely authenticating senders, hence it should not be used as-is to perform operations that would require any sort of privilege (applications should consider EBUI-originated commands to be from unauthenticated users). Implementation of a proper authentication mechanism is required for any applications where spoofing would not be tolerable and is currently left as an exercise to the reader.

Extracted from project README
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