
ReverseIterable Interface Spec Proposal


The ReverseIterable Interface

Stage: 0, Strawman

Author: Lee Byron

Iterating through collections in reverse is a pretty common operation in application logic. In imperative code, we see these two patterns all the time:

// Forward iteration
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
  var v = a[i];
  doSomething(v, i);

// Reverse iteration
for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  var v = a[i];
  doSomething(v, i);

Iterators in ES2015 are a valuable higher order abstraction which helps capture forward iteration. The for of loop can simplify the imperative forward iteration to become:

for (let [i, v] of a.entries()) {
  doSomething(v, i);

We're missing an equivalent abstraction to capture the reverse iteration. In this proposal, it's suggested that this can be written as:

for (let [i, v] of a.entries().reverse()) {
  doSomething(v, i);

A default reverse iterator can also be retrieved similarly to a default iterator:

for (let v of a[Symbol.reverseIterator]()) {

This syntax has the benefit of not introducing new syntactical concepts but instead just adds a few function properties to iterator prototypes.

In addition to the reverse() method, this proposal also suggests the addition of a ReverseIterable interface which any object can implement by adding a function to the Symbol.reverseIterator property. Capturing this in an interface allows arbitrary code to detect that a particular object is reverse iterable and use that to it's advantage.


What happens if reverse() is called on something not easily reversed, like a Generator function?

This proposal suggests one-way iterables remain one-way. Objects which implement Iterable do not also have to implement ReverseIterable. There is no buffering in the native implementation of %IteratorPrototype%.reverse() when called on an object which is not ReverseIterable, instead a TypeError exception is thrown.

Buffering can result in difficult to understand performance and memory pressure in some cases and infinite buffers in the worst case.

Specifically, Generator objects do not implement the ReverseIterable interface.

For example, this code will throw a TypeError exception with a useful message:

function* fib () {
  var n1 = 0, n2 = 1;
  yield n1;
  [n1, n2] = [n2, n1 + n2];

try {
  let fibs = fib();
  for (let num of fibs.reverse()) {
} catch (e) {
  assert(e.message === "Iterator is not reversable.");
What happens if reverse() is called after an iterator has already been partially iterated?

This proposal suggests that such a sequence of operations is not allowed. When [Symbol.reverseIterator]() is called on an ArrayIterator or ListIterator, it will first check that iteration has not already begun otherwise throw a TypeError with a useful message:

var iterator = array.values();;

try {
  var reverseIterator = iterator.reverse();
} catch (e) {
  assert(e.message === "Cannot reverse once iteration has begun.");

An alternative to this could be starting the partially completed reversed iterator at the same position:

var array = ["A", "B", "C"];
var iterator = array.values();
console.log(; // "A"
console.log(; // "B"
var reverseIterator = iterator.reverse();
console.log(; // "A"
console.log(; // undefined

There are some real caveats to this alternative approach:

  • The behavioral differences between reversing fresh iterators and partially
    iterated iterators could be confusing.
  • This requires maintaing a small amount of additional state and providing that
    state to the [Symbol.reverseIterator] method in a standardized way.
  • Completed iterators would require maintaining their state in case they are
    reversed which could make memory leaks easier to introduce to a program.

Because of these caveats, this alternative is not being proposed.

Additions to Spec Well-Known Symbols

One row is added to Table 1.

Specification Name [[Description]] Value and Purpose
@@reverseIterator "Symbol.reverseIterator" A method that returns the default reverse iterator for an object. Called by the reverse method of Iterators.

25.1.1 Common Iteration Interfaces

25.1.1.X The ReverseIterable Interface

This interface is new

The ReverseIterable interface includes the following property:

Property Value Requirements
@@reverseIterator A function that returns an Iterator object. The returned object must conform to the Iterator interface. It must iterate through values in the reverse order of the object returned from the @@iterator method.

NOTE An object should implement the ReverseIterable interface only when it also implements the Iterable interface.

25.1.2 The %IteratorPrototype% Object %IteratorPrototype%.reverse ( )

This property is new

The following steps are taken:

  1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject with the this value as its argument.
  2. ReturnIfAbrupt(O).
  3. Let usingReverseIterator be GetMethod(O, @@reverseIterator).
  4. If usingReverseIterator is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
  5. Let iterator be GetIterator(O, usingReverseIterator).
  6. return iterator.

19.4.2 Properties of the Symbol Constructor

19.4.2.X Symbol.reverseIterator

This property is new

The initial value of Symbol.reverseIterator is the well known symbol @@reverseIterator (Table 1).

This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }

22.1.3 Properties of the Array Prototype Object

22.1.3.X Array.prototype [ @@reverseIterator ] ( )

This property is new

  1. Let O be the result of calling ToObject with the this value as its argument.
  2. ReturnIfAbrupt(O).
  3. Return CreateArrayReverseIterator(O, "value").

22.1.5 Array Iterator Objects The %ArrayIteratorPrototype% Object ArrayIteratorPrototype [ @@reverseIterator ] ( )

This property is new

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
  3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of an Array Iterator Instance, throw a TypeError exception.
  4. Let a be the value of the [[IteratedObject]] internal slot of O.
  5. Let index be the value of the [[ArrayIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot of O.
  6. If index !== 0, then throw a TypeError exception.
  7. Let itemKind be the value of the [[ArrayIterationKind]] internal slot of O.
  8. Return CreateArrayReverseIterator(a, itemKind).

22.1.X Array Reverse Iterator Objects

This section is new

An Array Reverse Iterator is an object, that represents a specific reverse iteration over some specific Array instance object. There is not a named constructor for Array Reverse Iterator objects. Instead, Array Reverse Iterator objects are created by calling reverse on Array Iterator objects.

22.1.X.1 CreateArrayReverseIterator Abstract Operation

  1. Assert: Type(array) is Object
  2. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%ArrayIteratorPrototype%, ([[IteratedObject]], [[ArrayReverseIteratorNextIndex]], [[ArrayIterationKind]])).
  3. Set iterator’s [[IteratedObject]] internal slot to array.
  4. If array has a [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot, then
    • a. Let len be the value of the [[ArrayLength]] internal slot of array.
  5. Else,
    • a. Let len be ToLength(Get(array, "length")).
    • b. ReturnIfAbrupt(len).
  6. Set iterator’s [[ArrayReverseIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot to len-1.
  7. Set iterator’s [[ArrayIteratorKind]] internal slot to kind.
  8. Return iterator.

22.1.X.2 The %ArrayReverseIteratorPrototype% Object

All Array Reverse Iterator Objects inherit properties from the %ArrayReverseIteratorPrototype% intrinsic object. The %ArrayReverseIteratorPrototype% object is an ordinary object and its [[Prototype]] internal slot is the %IteratorPrototype% intrinsic object (25.1.2). In addition, %ArrayReverseIteratorPrototype% has the following properties:

22.1.X.2.1 ( )

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
  3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of an Array Reverse Iterator Instance, throw a TypeError exception.
  4. Let a be the value of the [[IteratedObject]] internal slot of O.
  5. If a is undefined, then return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
  6. Let index be the value of the [[ArrayReverseIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot of O.
  7. Let itemKind be the value of the [[ArrayIterationKind]] internal slot of O.
  8. If index < 0, then
  9. Set the value of the [[ArrayReverseIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot of O to index-1.
  10. If itemKind is "key", return CreateIterResultObject(index, false).
  11. Let elementKey be ToString(index).
  12. Let elementValue be Get(a, elementKey).
  13. ReturnIfAbrupt(elementValue).
  14. If itemKind is "value", let result be elementValue.
  15. Else,
    • a. Assert itemKind is "key+value",.
    • b. Let result be CreateArrayFromList(«index, elementValue»).
  16. Return CreateIterResultObject(result, false).

22.1.X.2.2 ArrayReverseIteratorPrototype [ @@reverseIterator ] ( )

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
  3. If O does not have all of the internal slots of an Array Reverse Iterator Instance, throw a TypeError exception.
  4. Let a be the value of the [[IteratedObject]] internal slot of O.
  5. Let index be the value of the [[ArrayReverseIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot of O.
  6. If a has a [[TypedArrayName]] internal slot, then
    • a. Let len be the value of the [[ArrayLength]] internal slot of a.
  7. Else,
    • a. Let len be ToLength(Get(a, "length")).
    • b. ReturnIfAbrupt(len).
  8. If index !== len-1, then throw a TypeError exception.
  9. Let itemKind be the value of the [[ArrayIterationKind]] internal slot of O.
  10. Return CreateArrayIterator(a, itemKind).

22.1.X.2.3 %ArrayIteratorPrototype% [ @@toStringTag ]

The initial value of the @@toStringTag property is the string value "Array Reverse Iterator".

This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }.

22.1.X.3 Properties of Array Reverse Iterator

Array Reverse Iterator instances are ordinary objects that inherit properties from the %ArrayReverseIteratorPrototype% intrinsic object. Array Reverse Iterator instances are initially created with the internal slots listed in the following table.

Internal Slot Description
[[IteratedObject]] The object whose array elements are being iterated.
[[ArrayReverseIteratorNextIndex]] The integer index of the next array index to be examined by this iteration.
[[ArrayIterationKind]] A string value that identifies what is to be returned for each element of the iteration. The possible values are: "key", "value", "key+value".

21.1.X String Reverse Iterator Objects

This section is new

TK changes will mirror Array changes.

23.1.X Map Reverse Iterator Objects

This section is new

TK changes will mirror Array changes.

23.2.X Set Reverse Iterator Objects

This section is new

TK changes will mirror Array changes.

7.4 Operations on Iterator Objects

7.4.8 CreateListIterator ( list )

This existing abstract operation has 2 new steps added: 7 and 8.

  1. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%IteratorPrototype%, ([[IteratorNext]], [[IteratedList]], [[ListIteratorNextIndex]])).
  2. Set iterator’s [[IteratedList]] internal slot to list.
  3. Set iterator’s [[ListIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot to 0.
  4. Let next be a new built-in function object as defined in ListIterator next (
  5. Set iterator’s [[IteratorNext]] internal slot to next.
  6. Perform CreateMethodProperty(iterator, "next", next).
  7. Let reverse be the built-in function object ListIterator reverse.
  8. Perform CreateMethodProperty(iterator, @@reverseIterator, reverse).
  9. Return iterator.

7.4.8.X ListIterator reverse ( )

This method is new

The ListIterator reverse method is a standard built-in function object (clause 17) that performs the following steps:

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. If O does not have a [[IteratorList]] internal slot, then throw a TypeError exception.
  3. Let list be the value of the [[IteratorList]] internal slot of O.
  4. Return CreateListReverseIterator(list).

7.4.X CreateListReverseIterator ( list )

This abstract operation and section is new

The abstract operation CreateListReverseIterator with argument list creates an Iterator ( object whose next method returns the successive elements of list in descending (reversed) order. It performs the following steps:

  1. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%IteratorPrototype%, ([[IteratorNext]], [[IteratedList]], [[ListReverseIteratorNextIndex]])).
  2. Set iterator’s [[IteratedList]] internal slot to list.
  3. Let len be the number of elements of list.
  4. Set iterator’s [[ListReverseIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot to len-1.
  5. Let next be a new built-in function object as defined in ListReverseIterator next.
  6. Set iterator’s [[IteratorNext]] internal slot to next.
  7. Perform CreateMethodProperty(iterator, "next", next).
  8. Let reverse be the built-in function object ListReverseIterator reverse.
  9. Perform CreateMethodProperty(iterator, @@reverseIterator, reverse).
  10. Return iterator.

7.4.X.1 ListReverseIterator next ( )

The ListReverseIterator next method is a standard built-in function object (clause 17) that performs the following steps:

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. Let f be the active function object.
  3. If O does not have a [[IteratorNext]] internal slot, then throw a TypeError exception.
  4. Let next be the value of the [[IteratorNext]] internal slot of O.
  5. If SameValue(f, next) is false, then throw a TypeError exception.
  6. If O does not have a [[IteratedList]] internal slot, then throw a TypeError exception.
  7. Let list be the value of the [[IteratedList]] internal slot of O.
  8. Let index be the value of the [[ListReverseIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot of O.
  9. If index < 0, then
    • a. Return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
  10. Set the value of the [[ListReverseIteratorNextIndex]] internal slot of O to index-1.
  11. Return CreateIterResultObject(list[index], false).

NOTE A ListReverseIterator next method will throw an exception if applied to any object other than the one with which it was originally associated.

7.4.X.2 ListReverseIterator reverse ( )

The ListReverseIterator reverse method is a standard built-in function object (clause 17) that performs the following steps:

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. If O does not have a [[IteratorList]] internal slot, then throw a TypeError exception.
  3. Let list be the value of the [[IteratorList]] internal slot of O.
  4. Return CreateListIterator(list).

7.4.9 CreateCompoundIterator ( iterator1, iterator2 )

This existing abstract operation has had 3 new steps added: 8, 9, and 10.

  1. Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%IteratorPrototype%, ([[Iterator1]], [[Iterator2]], [[State]], [[IteratorNext]])).
  2. Set iterator’s [[Iterator1]] internal slot to iterator1.
  3. Set iterator’s [[Iterator2]] internal slot to iterator2.
  4. Set iterator’s [[State]] internal slot to 1.
  5. Let next be a new built-in function object as defined in CompoundIterator next (
  6. Set iterator’s [[IteratorNext]] internal slot to next.
  7. Perform CreateMethodProperty(iterator, "next", next).
  8. Let usingReverseIterator1 be GetMethod(iterator1, @@reverseIterator).
  9. Let usingReverseIterator2 be GetMethod(iterator2, @@reverseIterator).
  10. If usingReverseIterator1 is not undefined and usingReverseIterator2 is not undefined.
    • a. Let reverse be the built-in function object CompoundIterator reverse.
    • b. Perform CreateMethodProperty(iterator, @@reverseIterator, reverse).
  11. Return iterator.

7.4.9.X CompoundIterator reverse ( )

This method is new

The CompoundIterator reverse method is a standard built-in function object (clause 17) that performs the following steps:

  1. Let O be the this value.
  2. If O does not have [[Iterator1]] and [[Iterator2]] internal slots, then throw a TypeError exception.
  3. Let state be the value of the [[State]] internal slot of O.
  4. If state is not 1, throw a TypeError exception.
  5. Let iterator1 be the value of the [[Iterator1] internal slot of O.
  6. Let iterator2 be the value of the [[Iterator2] internal slot of O.
  7. Let usingReverseIterator1 be GetMethod(iterator1, @@reverseIterator).
  8. If usingReverseIterator1 is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
  9. Let reverseIterator1 be GetIterator(O, usingReverseIterator1).
  10. Let usingReverseIterator2 be GetMethod(iterator2, @@reverseIterator).
  11. If usingReverseIterator2 is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
  12. Let reverseIterator2 be GetIterator(O, usingReverseIterator2).
  13. Return CreateCompoundIterator(reverseIterator2, reverseIterator1).