
Utility for ember blueprints to use to modify ember-cli-build.js


Ember CLI Build Config Editor

Utility for ember blueprints to use to modify ember-cli-build.js

Installation for Use

For installation in a non-Ember project:

npm install ember-cli-build-config-editor --save-dev

For installation in an Ember project:

ember install ember-cli-build-config-editor


Note: This package only handles flat configurations at this point.

Querying configuration

var BuildConfigEditor = require('ember-cli-build-config-editor');
var fs = require('fs');

// Specify 'utf-8' to force it to be a string instead of a buffer
var source = fs.readFileSync('./ember-cli-build.js', 'utf-8');

var build = new BuildConfigEditor(source);

var config = build.retrieve('some-addon');

// Do something with the config

Adding or editing configuration

Use this from your Ember blueprint to add or update configuration options in your ember-cli-build.js.

var BuildConfigEditor = require('ember-cli-build-config-editor');
var fs = require('fs');

// Specify 'utf-8' to force it to be a string instead of a buffer
var source = fs.readFileSync('./ember-cli-build.js', 'utf-8');

var build = new BuildConfigEditor(source);

build.edit('some-addon', {
    booleanProperty: false,
    numericProperty: 17,
    stringProperty: 'wow'

fs.writeFileSync('./ember-cli-build.js', build.code());

What It Does

The above example modifies ember-cli-build.js in the following ways

  • Finds the 'some-addon' key in the options object of your EmberApp construction, creating one
    if it doesn't exist
  • For each of the entries in the passed object, it adds property or updates it if it already
    exists with the specified value.

Keys that are not specified are preserved untouched. Added object keys are single-quoted for safety.


TypeError: this.source.charCodeAt is not a function

You have passed a buffer instead of a string to the constructor. Add the encoding argument when you read the file, e.g., var source = fs.readFileSync('./ember-cli-build.js', 'utf-8').


Installation for Development

  • Fork and clone the repo
  • cd into the project directory
  • npm install

Running tests

npm test

Understanding JavaScript ASTs

The AST for the basic configuration can be found in this SVG for reference. It was generated from Rappid's JavaScript AST Visualizer.

The approach used here is based on that for ember-router-generator.

The DSL for AST types used by esprima provided great insight once I got my head around it.


Please fork the project and submit pull requests and issues using GitHub.