
Ember date helpers with locale support.

MIT License


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Ember date helpers with locale support.

This addon includes time-ago-in-words, time-ahead-in-words, time-delta-in-words, time-format, day-of-the-week, date-and-time, month-and-day, month-and-year. It uses moment.js.


ember install:addon ember-cli-dates


Now, in your views/templates/components:

Time Deltas

Time Ago in Words

{{time-ago-in-words createdAt}} {{! => twelve days ago}}

Time Ahead in Words

{{time-ahead-in-words toBePublishedAt}} {{! => in 4 hours}}

Time Delta in Words

{{time-delta-in-words completedAt}} {{! => 7 minutes ago}}

Month and Day

{{month-and-day completedAt}} {{! => Jan 1st}}
{{month-and-day completedAt}} {{! => jan 1º}}

Month and Year

{{month-and-year completedAt 'pt-br'}} {{! => Jan 2015}}

Date and Time

{{date-and-time publishedAt}} {{! January 1, 2014 12:00 AM}}
{{date-and-time publishedAt 'pt-br'}} {{! 1 de janeiro de 2014 às 00:00}}

Custom Format

{{time-format updatedAt 'l'}} {{! => 10/9/2014}}

Day of the Week

{{day-of-the-week someDate}} {{! => Friday}}

Locale Support

In order to add locale support, you need to import the locale file in your app's Brocfile.js:

app.import(app.bowerDirectory + '/moment/locale/pt-br.js');

You then have the ability to specify any imported locale with:

{{time-format createdAt 'LLLL' 'pt-br'}}
{{time-ahead-in-words nextHour 'pt-br'}}




  1. Fork it
  2. npm install
  3. bower install
  4. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create new Pull Request

Crafted with <3 by John Otander(@4lpine).