
POC for https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/160

MIT License



This addon is a Proof of Concept for RFC#160 which aims to improve the meta and links situation within Ember Data. The goal is to see how the proposed API solves use cases when used in real applications. The outcome of this addon should be a profound test suite which covers all the use cases of the RFC.

⚠️ The current implementation heavily relies on patches of Ember Data internals, so it is definitely not encouraged to use in production, as stability and decent performance can not be guaranteed. Also, the proposed API of the RFC and this addon might diverge, though the goal is to keep them in alignment within a narrow time frame ⚠️

Currently the following improvements are implemented:

  • single record meta data (tests)
    • get record level meta data via record.ref().meta()
    • get response level meta data for single resource via record.ref().meta("response")
  • single record links
  • links for relationship references
  • meta and links for finders
  • get reference for has-many via hasManyRelationship.ref()
  • get parent reference for relationship reference
  • add hook when new data is received
    • Model#didReceiveData
  • further miscellaneous changes
    • get parent reference of link via linkRef.parentRef()


ember install ember-data-meta-links-improvements

Code samples

Single record meta data

// GET /books/1
// {
//   data: {
//     type: "book",
//     id: 1,
//     meta: {
//       recordLevel: true
//     }
//   },
//   meta: {
//     topLevel: true
//   }
// }
this.store.findRecord('book', 1).then(function(book) {
  // get reference for record
  let bookRef = book.ref();

  // get record level meta data
  let meta = bookRef.meta();
  meta === { recordLevel: true };

  // get response level meta data
  let topLevelMeta = bookRef.meta("response");
  topLevelMeta === { topLevel: true };

Has-many links

// GET /books/1
// {
//   data: {
//     type: "book",
//     id: 1,
//     relationships: {
//       chapters: {
//         links: {
//           related: "related-link",
//           self: {
//             href: "self-link",
//             meta: {
//               selfLink: true
//             }
//           }
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   }
// }
this.store.findRecord('book', 1).then(function(book) {
  let chaptersRef = book.hasMany("chapters");

  let related = chaptersRef.links("related");
  related.href() === "related-link";

  let next = chaptersRef.links("self");
  next.meta() === { selfLink: true };

  // GET /self-link
  // {
  //   data: [],
  //   meta: {
  //     isSelf: true
  //   }
  // }
  next.load().then(function(nextArray) {
    nextArray.ref().meta() === { isSelf: true }


// GET /books?page=2
// {
//   data: [{
//     type: "book",
//     id: 1
//   }],
//   links: {
//     next: {
//       href: "/books?page=3",
//       meta: {
//         isLast: true
//       }
//     },
//     prev: {
//       href: "/books?page=1"
//     }
//   },
//   meta: {
//     total: 123
//   }
// }
let books = await this.store.query('book', { page: 2 }).then(function(books) {
  let booksRef = books.ref();

  let prev = booksRef.links("prev");
  prev.href() === "/books?page=1";

  let next = booksRef.links("next");
  next.meta() === { isLast: true };

  let meta = booksRef.meta();
  meta === { total: 123 };

// GET /books?page=3
// {
//   data: [{
//     type: "book",
//     id: 1
//   }],
//   links: {
//     prev: {
//       href: "/books?page=2"
//     }
//   },
//   meta: {
//     isLastPage: true
//   }
// }
let next = await books.ref().links("next").load();

next.ref().meta() === { isLastPage: true }


// GET /books
// {
//   data: [{
//     type: "book",
//     id: 1
//   }],
//   links: {
//     self: "self-link"
//   },
//   meta: {
//     total: 123
//   }
// }
let books = await this.store.findAll('book');

let booksRef = books.ref();

let self = booksRef.links("self");
self.href() === "self-link";

let meta = booksRef.meta();
meta === { total: 123 };

// GET /books
// {
//   data: [{
//     type: "book",
//     id: 1
//   }],
//   meta: {
//     total: 456
//   }
// }
await this.store.findAll('book', { reload: true });

booksRef.meta() === { total: 456 };



  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

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