
An ES6 wrapper for Ember Flash Messages

MIT License


Ember Flash Message 2000


This is an ember-cli addon and can be installed using npm:

npm install --save-dev ember-flash-message-2000


You can see the basic dummy app here:

Basic API


// From within a route, controller, or component...

// The basic flash message. Displays itself after the next route transition occurs
this.get('flashMessage').addMessage({text: 'hello', type: 'alert alert-success'});

// The same as above, but it will automatically dismiss itself after 5 seconds
this.get('flashMessage').addMessage({dismiss: 5000, text: 'hello', type: 'alert alert-success'});

// Shows immediately
this.get('flashMessage').addMessage({text: 'hello', type: 'alert alert-success'}).now();

// Shows immediately and removes itself after 3 seconds
this.get('flashMessage').addMessage({text: 'goodbye', type: 'alert alert-success', dismiss: 3000}).now();

Custom Dismiss Effects

If you'd like to add your own dismiss effects, all you need to do is override the default initializer. To do this, just copy the default one from this repository to your own project, ensuring the filename is the same. The initializer allows you to pass a config object that has a customDismiss method, which will be used in place of default one. You can see an example of this below:

// your-app/initializers/flash-message-2000.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import {initialize} from 'ember-flash-message-2000/initializers/flash-message-2000';

if(Ember.libraries) {
  Ember.libraries.register('Ember Flash Message 2000', '0.0.7');

export default {
  name: 'ember-flash-message-2000',
  initialize: function(container, application) {
    var config = {
      customDismiss: function() {
        var _this = this;
        this.$().fadeOut(1000, function() {
    initialize(container, application, config);

Template Customizations

If you'd like to customize the markup of the flash messages you can leverage the power of Ember-CLI and simply override the default templates provided by Ember-Flash-Message-2000. These are all defined here. In simple terms, create a folder in your host application templates/components/ember-flash-message-2000/, copy over the existing templates from this project, and modify to your liking. At the moment the markup is taken directly from bootstrap.

Demo App

You can see a more holistic example by looking at the Dummy app that we use to test against. The index.hbs template and the application route are of particular interest.